Railway•3mo ago

Railway <> Hetzner servers cant communicate

We had a deployment running succesfully for the last week today, the railway instances cant communicate with the servers in Hetzner datacenter, and the otherway around is true too is there some way we can diagnose this? feels like railway has blocked the whole ip range
New reply sent from Help Station thread:
Google blocks a littany of IP addresses due to Hertzner propensity to host...very sketchy shitDDOS: https://managingwp.io/live-blog/google-cloud-and-hetzner-connectivity-issues-gridpane-specifics/Violating Iranian Sanctions: https://blog.cloud66.com/hetzner-connectivity-issues-due-to-sanction-busting-activitiesMore: https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/issues/16466
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58 Replies
Percy•3mo ago
Project ID: 1291fcb5-2ee9-496e-8868-28df0eb6ae6a
McPizza•3mo ago
Brody•3mo ago
Railway does not block anything of this sort unless there was an attack originating from Hetzner what errors are you getting?
Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra•3mo ago
connection timeouts
McPizza•3mo ago
deployments on railway cant access items in hetzner (services) and hetzner services cant access a DB in railway
Brody•3mo ago
let keep this chat in here please, chit chat would not be the place
Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra•3mo ago
I just pointed it as it had some extra info Will chat here
McPizza•3mo ago
@Brody connections time out on both sides:
No description
McPizza•3mo ago
happy to give the server IP if you could check internally for blocks
Brody•3mo ago
please note I don't work for Railway. can you connect to the database locally?
McPizza•3mo ago
ah sorry saw a fancy color and assumed yup i can connect to the db from my local machine connect to both sets of servers without issue but they just wont communicate
Brody•3mo ago
are you sure you are using all the correct credentials?
Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra•3mo ago
we haven't changed it, it worked fine until yesterday we also reverted all commits, so nothing in code too
Brody•3mo ago
can you ssh into the VPS and do some debugging, pinging, etc
McPizza•3mo ago
yup can even connect to it from other VPSs elsewhere it feel like a firewall block
Brody•3mo ago
let's not jump to such conclusions just yet are you able to ping that host from your vps (the same VPS that is having connection issues)
McPizza•3mo ago
yes, the vps can ping the ip of the railway service its trying to connect to
Brody•3mo ago
can you use the mysql cli from within the VPS to connect to the database
McPizza•3mo ago
lemme install and test connection times out can connect with the exact same parameters from my local machine
Brody•3mo ago
how have you been able to confirm that this issue is not with hetzner's network?
McPizza•3mo ago
the vps can connect to another db hosted elsewhere without any issues
Brody•3mo ago
unfortunately that doesn't confirm that this isn't an issue with hetzner's network
McPizza•3mo ago
do you have other ideas to test?
Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra•3mo ago
try with another vps
Brody•3mo ago
does this VPS have a static IP?
McPizza•3mo ago
yes I tried connecting from that VPS to another db in another railway environment same issue
Brody•3mo ago
are you able to renew that static IP?
McPizza•3mo ago
possibly but would rather leave it as a last resort since theres lots tied to it
Brody•3mo ago
do you have a separate VPS on hetzner that you can try mysql from?
McPizza•3mo ago
ill spin one up, give me a sec yes, it connects fine its also in the same DC as the failing server but is using a different IP range so it seems that Hetzner is not blocking railway
Attacler/Bart•3mo ago
i had the same issue on one of my projects for some reason railway blocks calls towards Hetzner getting another IP helped in my case
McPizza•3mo ago
did it happen more than once ?
Attacler/Bart•3mo ago
yes, there is some kind of black list that google (if im correct) has, which sometimes includes hetzner IP adresses
McPizza•3mo ago
if yes, we need to move off railway we have critical infrastructure that we cant swap out like this in production
Attacler/Bart•3mo ago
but if you get another IP, it wont happen
Brody•3mo ago
at this time we don't have definitive proof of who's blocking who may I ask why not move the services on the VPS to railway?
Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra•3mo ago
the services on vps needs multiple tcp ports, which railways fails to provide
Brody•3mo ago
you would need more than 1 TCP port per app?
Attacler/Bart•3mo ago
this was hetzners response at that time
No description
Brody•3mo ago
ah so really it's neither gcp or hetzner's fault
Attacler/Bart•3mo ago
you could try to add an additional IP address and see if it works (so you dont have to get a new VPS)
McPizza•3mo ago
that IP is reported as location germany on all the lists
Brody•3mo ago
not the list gcp uses apparently
McPizza•3mo ago
will test from another vps in the same IP range works fine from another IP in the same range 49.13.X.X
Brody•3mo ago
I would go with bart's proposed solution
McPizza•3mo ago
its a possibility but i'd like to find a more permanent solution since we have an identical setup for production thanks for the help diagnosing though 💪
Brody•3mo ago
if gcp is blocking hetzner, there really nothing railway can do about that, they are at gcp's whim here railway isn't blocking your singular static IP, so we can rule railway out of the equation unless you tried to open well over 10k concurrent requests? this isn't a block from the railway side of things
McPizza•3mo ago
yup, seems like its something upstream
Brody•3mo ago
so does a singular app of yours need to open more than one TCP port?
Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra•3mo ago
there are 2 apps which needs us to run vps, one needs a tpc port with a custom subdomain on our own and another with access to like 4 ports
McPizza•3mo ago
we also need fixed IPs its a mail system
McPizza•3mo ago
signup btw... could prob get brody@ https://unn.sh
Modern email for teams and professionals. 100% Open Source.
Brody•3mo ago
may I ask if you both are pro on railway? you seen to be missing the badges if so
Rahul Mishra
Rahul Mishra•3mo ago
yes we have a pro team it didn't give use badges for some reason
Brody•3mo ago
now you have them
McPizza•3mo ago
Duchess•4w ago
New reply sent from Help Station thread:
Google blocks a littany of IP addresses due to Hertzner propensity to host...very sketchy shitDDOS: https://managingwp.io/live-blog/google-cloud-and-hetzner-connectivity-issues-gridpane-specifics/Violating Iranian Sanctions: https://blog.cloud66.com/hetzner-connectivity-issues-due-to-sanction-busting-activitiesMore: https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/issues/16466
You're seeing this because this thread has been automatically linked to the Help Station thread.