make reactive custom field options

Hello everyone, i have custom form field with options
->bucket(fn() => $form->bucket ?? 'private')
->entityId(fn()=>$form->getRecord()?->id ?? $id)
->bucket(fn() => $form->bucket ?? 'private')
->entityId(fn()=>$form->getRecord()?->id ?? $id)
class S3Uploader extends Field
use HasHelperText;

protected string $view = 'forms.components.s3-uploader';

protected ?bool $isLive = true;

protected string | \Closure | null $bucket = 's3_public';
protected string | \Closure | null $folder = '/';
protected string | \Closure $entityId;

public function updateBucketType($bucketType): void
$this->bucket = $bucketType;

public function bucket($bucket) : static
$this->bucket = $bucket;

return $this;

public function entityId($id) : static
$this->entityId = $id;

return $this;

public function getEntityId() : string
return $this->evaluate($this->entityId);

public function getBucket(): ?string
return $this->evaluate($this->bucket);

public function folder($folder) : static
$this->folder = $folder;

return $this;

public function getFolder(): ?string
return $this->evaluate($this->folder);
class S3Uploader extends Field
use HasHelperText;

protected string $view = 'forms.components.s3-uploader';

protected ?bool $isLive = true;

protected string | \Closure | null $bucket = 's3_public';
protected string | \Closure | null $folder = '/';
protected string | \Closure $entityId;

public function updateBucketType($bucketType): void
$this->bucket = $bucketType;

public function bucket($bucket) : static
$this->bucket = $bucket;

return $this;

public function entityId($id) : static
$this->entityId = $id;

return $this;

public function getEntityId() : string
return $this->evaluate($this->entityId);

public function getBucket(): ?string
return $this->evaluate($this->bucket);

public function folder($folder) : static
$this->folder = $folder;

return $this;

public function getFolder(): ?string
return $this->evaluate($this->folder);
and standart field in same form
function($state, callable $set) use ($form) {
//some code here?
function($state, callable $set) use ($form) {
//some code here?
i want reactive change bucket attribute dependend on $state of Select::make('bucket'), how i may make this.
1 Reply
toeknee11mo ago
You can't as far as I am aware. You could create two fields however, one is priate and one is public. With a ToggleButtons field to select if it is private or public

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