Filament3mo ago

Filament 3 - Multi Tenancy Upload Image Error

I encountered this error: Unable to retrieve the file_size for file at location: livewire-tmp/GfJyK6WBXduMJSqGg3h31zbmRSE6JY-metac2FtcGxlLW9mZmljZS1kZXNpZ24ucG5n-.png. From this tenant folder: /var/www/html/storage/tenant1/app/public/projects I am going to upload the image to this directory, but I encountered this error when I tried to submit the form.
2 Replies
toeknee3mo ago
Sounds like permissions error
Denxio3mo ago
I used both sail and herd to isolate the problem, how can I give a permissions? I tried to use the 755 775 and 777 but no luck.