open modal on page load

I have a modal that has a trigger button and opens fine from the trigger button, but I also want to be able to conditionally open it when the page loads. I'm trying right now to just open it on the render method, but it won't open. It's literally stupid simple and I can't figure out why it wouldn't be working:
public function render(): View
$this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'statement-mapping');
return parent::render();
public function render(): View
$this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'statement-mapping');
return parent::render();
(The modal is itself another livewire component) and my modal: <x-filament::modal id="statement-mapping" width="6xl">... my parent is extending the Page class and uses HasForms, HasActions, InteractsWithForms, InteractsWithActions. The modal livewire class (child) is also using the same contracts/traits.
This is how I do also in my current project. You can insert a renderhook at the bottom of the content make a livewire component and put it inside the render hook blade: ```php <?php ...
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7 Replies
krekas3mo ago
try opening modal in the mount intead of render
Jon Mason
Jon Mason3mo ago
I tried that, it's not working 😦
dissto3mo ago
Maybe this helps you. This is from a current project. There may or may not be side effects of the current use. So your milage may very: This is on my ListTransaction::class (in my case I check if the current url contains &openTransactionId=xxx) if thats the case i call the view action.
public ?string $openTransactionId = null; // ulid in my case

public function mount(): void

$this->openTransactionId = request()->get('openTransactionId');


public function transactionModal(): void
if (! $this->openTransactionId) {

$transaction = Transaction::query()

if ($transaction) {
$this->mountTableAction('view', $this->openTransactionId);
public ?string $openTransactionId = null; // ulid in my case

public function mount(): void

$this->openTransactionId = request()->get('openTransactionId');


public function transactionModal(): void
if (! $this->openTransactionId) {

$transaction = Transaction::query()

if ($transaction) {
$this->mountTableAction('view', $this->openTransactionId);
Jon Mason
Jon Mason3mo ago
Thanks for the help, I'll give it a try.
jaocero3mo ago
This is how I do also in my current project. You can insert a renderhook at the bottom of the content make a livewire component and put it inside the render hook blade:

namespace App\Livewire\Onboarding;

use Livewire\Component;

class DashboardModal extends Component
public function showDashboardVideoModalEvent()
$this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'dashboard-video-modal');

public function render()
return view('livewire.onboarding.dashboard-modal');

namespace App\Livewire\Onboarding;

use Livewire\Component;

class DashboardModal extends Component
public function showDashboardVideoModalEvent()
$this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'dashboard-video-modal');

public function render()
return view('livewire.onboarding.dashboard-modal');
now then inside your livewire component blade this is what I do:
<div wire:init="showDashboardVideoModalEvent"></div>
<div wire:init="showDashboardVideoModalEvent"></div>
I maybe complicate things so it works for me
jaocero3mo ago
full livewire blade
use App\Enums\OnboardingStep;
<div x-data="{ isDashboardOnboardingComplete: localStorage.getItem('isDashboardOnboardingComplete') === 'true' }">
<x-filament::modal icon="untitledui-youtube" id="dashboard-video-modal" sticky-header sticky-footer :close-by-clicking-away="false"
width="4xl" x-show="!isDashboardOnboardingComplete">
<x-slot name="heading">
Onboarding Checklist - Dashboard

<x-slot name="description">
{{ OnboardingStep::DASHBOARD->description() }}

<div class="w-full aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9">
class="shadow-2xl bg-gradient-to-b from-primary-400 to-primary-500 shadow-primary-500/60 dark:shadow-primary-500/20">
// some code

<x-slot name="footerActions" class="flex items-center justify-end">
<label class="inline-flex items-center">
x-on:change="localStorage.setItem('isDashboardOnboardingComplete', $" />

<span class="ml-2">
Do not show this video again
<template x-if="!isDashboardOnboardingComplete">
<div wire:init="showDashboardVideoModalEvent"></div>
use App\Enums\OnboardingStep;
<div x-data="{ isDashboardOnboardingComplete: localStorage.getItem('isDashboardOnboardingComplete') === 'true' }">
<x-filament::modal icon="untitledui-youtube" id="dashboard-video-modal" sticky-header sticky-footer :close-by-clicking-away="false"
width="4xl" x-show="!isDashboardOnboardingComplete">
<x-slot name="heading">
Onboarding Checklist - Dashboard

<x-slot name="description">
{{ OnboardingStep::DASHBOARD->description() }}

<div class="w-full aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9">
class="shadow-2xl bg-gradient-to-b from-primary-400 to-primary-500 shadow-primary-500/60 dark:shadow-primary-500/20">
// some code

<x-slot name="footerActions" class="flex items-center justify-end">
<label class="inline-flex items-center">
x-on:change="localStorage.setItem('isDashboardOnboardingComplete', $" />

<span class="ml-2">
Do not show this video again
<template x-if="!isDashboardOnboardingComplete">
<div wire:init="showDashboardVideoModalEvent"></div>
Jon Mason
Jon Mason3mo ago
this worked for me, thanks!
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