I get banned for nothing
I never use Hacking or cheating…
last night i only play cheer park to find any kind of bugs.. and I found a bugs too..
I immediately record tha bugs and submit on PUBG MObile Discord server… Then I go to sleep and wake up in the morning and i find my account has been banned. UID: 5605218493 Server: Asia Device: iPhone 11 Version system of device: iOS 17.4.1 Network: Wifi Country: Bangladeah Date: 14/04/2024
I immediately record tha bugs and submit on PUBG MObile Discord server… Then I go to sleep and wake up in the morning and i find my account has been banned. UID: 5605218493 Server: Asia Device: iPhone 11 Version system of device: iOS 17.4.1 Network: Wifi Country: Bangladeah Date: 14/04/2024
7 Replies
Hi, @ZODLEX the notification says that you have teamed up with cheaters multiple times. It didn't mention that you were the one using hacks/cheats.
I never teamed up with cheaters… i just play cheer park.. I think in cheer park some one use cheats… but id dont know who… i just talk to everyone in cheer park…
If some one use hack and I talk to them not knowing the are cheatrs, then is it my fault?
You may use the File Claim option to appeal for your suspension.
Ok thank you