Unable to download export with polymorphic user and custom guard

Our export migration uses the $table->morphs('user'); and in a service provider i have Export::polymorphicUserRelationship(); But accessing the download url redirects me to /admin/login even though I am already logged in. The download route uses the 'filament.actions' middleware group:-
Route::get('/filament/exports/{export}/download', DownloadExport::class)
Route::get('/filament/exports/{export}/download', DownloadExport::class)
Which is created in ActionsServiceProvider:-
public function packageRegistered(): void
app(Router::class)->middlewareGroup('filament.actions', ['web', 'auth']);
public function packageRegistered(): void
app(Router::class)->middlewareGroup('filament.actions', ['web', 'auth']);
(not used by anything else) but I need the 'auth:admin middleware. I did add $this->app->bind(Authenticatable::class, Admin::class); also to the service provider but doesn't help, without the correct auth guard we're not going to get that far. Should i just override the ActionsServiceProvider or is there a better filament way? Thx for any tips
Update solved. A solution is to override filament.actions group. In a service provider add:- ```php...
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1 Reply
acroninja3mo ago
Update solved. A solution is to override filament.actions group. In a service provider add:-
// Redefine filament actions middleware
Route::middlewareGroup('filament.actions', [
// Redefine filament actions middleware
Route::middlewareGroup('filament.actions', [