Spatie Tags always creates new tag in form

I have a form for a model resource, where I use this Input:
My problem is that it not only doesn't suggest anything (this can be solved with adding ->suggestions(Tag::where('type', 'teacherTag')->pluck('name')->toArray())) but it always creates a new tag which completly defies the idea of tags. My top priority is not to create tags in the form but to attach existing ones. How could that be done?
3 Replies
danilo11mo ago
I'm interested in this as well, but it seems the idea behind tags is to let users create new ones. I'm esploring using the Select component, but it needs work apparently...
Hasith10mo ago
I'm also looking for display suggestions when user Typing.
This is not working for me...
danilo10mo ago
I solved with a (ugly) workaround in a service I've added public static function tagsSchema($name, $type, $label, bool $required = false, bool $multiple = true, bool $searchable = false) { $tagName = $name . '_tags'; return [ // these two fields goes together Select::make($name) ->label($label) ->multiple($multiple) ->preload() ->searchable($searchable) ->afterStateUpdated(function (\Filament\Forms\Set $set, $state) use ($tagName, $multiple) { $tagsNames = []; if ($multiple){ foreach ($state as $tagId) { $tagsNames[] = Tag::find($tagId)->name; } } else { $tagsNames []= Tag::find($state)->name; } $set($tagName, $tagsNames); }) ->relationship(name: 'tags', titleAttribute: 'name', modifyQueryUsing: function (Builder $query) use ($type) { return $query->where('type', $type); }) ->saveRelationshipsUsing(fn () => true) ->options(fn () => Tag::getWithType($type)->pluck('name', 'id')) ->dehydrated(false) ->required($required) ->live(debounce: 500), Fieldset::make('') ->schema([ SpatieTagsInput::make($tagName) ->type($type) ->label('') ->id('tagsinput-'.$tagName) ->required($required) ]) ->extraAttributes(['style' => 'display:none !important; visibility: hidden !important']) ]; } and public static function tagsGrid($name, $type, $label, bool $required = false, bool $multiple = true, bool $searchable = false, $hintIcon = null, $hintTooltip = null) { $grid=Grid::make(1)->schema( self::tagsSchema($name, $type, $label, $required, $multiple, $searchable), )->id('tagsgrid-'.$name)->columns(1)->columnSpan(1); if ($hintIcon != null) { $children = $grid->getChildComponents(); foreach ($children as $id => $child){ if (get_class($child) == Select::class){ $child->hintIcon(icon: $hintIcon, tooltip: $hintTooltip); } } $grid->childComponents($children); } return $grid; } I use the second method to add them in the forms so basically the SpatieTagsInput is hidden, and a normal select is shown instead, but the SpatieTagsInput is filled with the element selected from the Select, and only the SpatieTagsInput is actually sent to database (the Select has ->dehydrated(false))

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