Nuxt11mo ago

Moving between pages Problem in Nuxt 3.10.03, ssr:false

When moving between pages, the page moves after the API call is completed. Isn't it usually an API call after turning the page? Or is it a problem that I use useAsyncData + $fetch? The "pending" value also does not work in case of a POST request after refresh. I'm sharing my custom composable file.
// composables/useApi.ts
export const useBaseFetch = <T>(url: string, options?: any, query?: any) => {
const apiBaseUrl = getBaseUrl();
const route = useRoute()

const { initialize, ...rest } = (options ?? {});

const asyncDataOptions: AsyncDataOptions<T> = {}
const optss = computed(() => {
const _ = {
baseURL: apiBaseUrl,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'source': route.fullPath,
return _

const urlWithQuery = computed(() => query ? `${url}?${serialize(query.value)} ` : url);

const key = hash(urlWithQuery.value)
const _fetch = useAsyncData(key, () => $fetch(urlWithQuery.value, optss.value) as Promise<T>, asyncDataOptions)
const { setIsLoading } = useStore()
watch(_fetch.pending, (v) => {

watch(_fetch.error, (e: any) => {
return _fetch;
// composables/useApi.ts
export const useBaseFetch = <T>(url: string, options?: any, query?: any) => {
const apiBaseUrl = getBaseUrl();
const route = useRoute()

const { initialize, ...rest } = (options ?? {});

const asyncDataOptions: AsyncDataOptions<T> = {}
const optss = computed(() => {
const _ = {
baseURL: apiBaseUrl,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'source': route.fullPath,
return _

const urlWithQuery = computed(() => query ? `${url}?${serialize(query.value)} ` : url);

const key = hash(urlWithQuery.value)
const _fetch = useAsyncData(key, () => $fetch(urlWithQuery.value, optss.value) as Promise<T>, asyncDataOptions)
const { setIsLoading } = useStore()
watch(_fetch.pending, (v) => {

watch(_fetch.error, (e: any) => {
return _fetch;
2 Replies
magius11mo ago
useLazyAsyncData · Nuxt Composables
This wrapper around useAsyncData triggers navigation immediately.
itmasterOP11mo ago

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