C#3mo ago

Setting Up a C# Backend with React Frontend and MySQL on VSCode - Need Guidance for .NET 8 Compatibi

Hey question guys lol, I am struggling so much right now. Here’s what I’m trying to do: I’m using VSCode on Mac, and I plan to use C# for the backend and React for the frontend, along with a MySQL DB. I’ve been researching how others have set up similar projects, but most resources cover .NET 6, and the latest version is .NET 8, which has some differences. I noticed that many people use Visual Studio for such projects, but since Visual Studio for Mac will soon be discontinued, I don’t want to start coding on it. I’m unsure where to begin. I’ve already created separate folders in VSCode for the Web API backend and another folder for the React app using ‘npx create-react-app’. Do you have any suggestions on how to continue or what I should look into to make this work?”
2 Replies
SpReeD3mo ago
.NET 6 & 8 are both LTS frameworks and not so different, the language is still C#. Visual Studio Code is a text-editor Visual Studio is an IDE
Angius3mo ago
Consider using Vite over CRA Besides that, use .NET 8 And VS Code is fine, in an "ek, okay I guess" way, as long as you install DevKit extension Without DevKit it's straight garbage for C# development
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