Export type to JSON and share it

Hello, I have two TS programs that should cooperate (A B), B import types and validates data, and A creates and "saves" the types. A rough idea
// Program A
import { type } from 'arktype'

const a = type({
name: 'string'

const b = type({
userData: a,
random: 'number'

// Somehow export the type as JSON?
fs.writeFileSync("schema.json", JSON.stringify(b))
// Program A
import { type } from 'arktype'

const a = type({
name: 'string'

const b = type({
userData: a,
random: 'number'

// Somehow export the type as JSON?
fs.writeFileSync("schema.json", JSON.stringify(b))
// Program B
import { type } from 'arktype'

const definition = JSON.stringify(fs.readFileSync("schema.json").toString())

const validator = type(definition)

const { data, problems } = validator({
userData: {
name: "Jacob"
random: 5
// Program B
import { type } from 'arktype'

const definition = JSON.stringify(fs.readFileSync("schema.json").toString())

const validator = type(definition)

const { data, problems } = validator({
userData: {
name: "Jacob"
random: 5
Is this possible with the current API?
76 Replies
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Hi! This is possible to some extent today and is definitely something we're interested in One of the primary goals of AT is to offer a serializable definition syntax by default, so that would be the easiest way to achieve this If you want references to other types to be serializable, your best bet is to use a scope: https://arktype.io/docs/next/scopes/ Then you could just write the whole scope definition to your JSON file, read it back in and instantiate it anywhere One unfortunate limitation of TS is that it is currently unable to import JSON as const (please see/upvote this issue https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/32063) So you will need to infer the type separately
JameEnderOP12mo ago
There is the slight inconvinience of providing the entry point with scopes, instead of just having the default entry with the type
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Yeah with the next release there would be a way to serialize arbitrary types using their underlying representation, but that isn't available yet. There are also edge cases to consider, e.g.a nything with morphs/narrows or other non-serializable data will not work
JameEnderOP12mo ago
So I would have to do like
entryPoint: 'b',
schema: {
a: {
userData: a,
random: 'number'
b: {
userData: a,
random: 'number'
entryPoint: 'b',
schema: {
a: {
userData: a,
random: 'number'
b: {
userData: a,
random: 'number'
Yeah that's a good point, you can only serialize mostly "simple at compile time" values, not functions and other things
ssalbdivad12mo ago
It would just be like this, there's not much overhead:
export const types = scope({
a: {
name: "string"
b: {
userData: "a",
random: "number"
export const types = scope({
a: {
name: "string"
b: {
userData: "a",
random: "number"
And especially if you're going to have more types in the future it is very convenient to be able to use your own aliases in expressions like a|number|string
JameEnderOP12mo ago
I can't import / export, those two apps can't talk through anything else than JSON values :D
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Well naturally inferring the types then would be impossible (although generally during the dev process there is a way to share types even if you don't share runtime code) But if you just want the validation dynamically it would still work
JameEnderOP12mo ago
Is this in your view the best way to share it then, or do you think some other way would be more appropriate?
ssalbdivad12mo ago
If you need to dynamically create a set of types then yes, that would be the best way to share it. In most circumstances I'd say having a schemas package that could be depended on both by the frontend and backend would be easier to work with especially if you need type safety
JameEnderOP12mo ago
Then the code could be something like
const validator = scope(json['schema']).compile()[json['entryPoint']]
const validator = scope(json['schema']).compile()[json['entryPoint']]
Okay, thank you :D Yeah I would love to share the types with imports, but as they are two different repos that each dont see into each other, it's sadly impossible
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Yeah something like this. Of course it depends on how complex the types are, but obviously the easiest thing to do when possible for a trivial example like this would just be to define it as a single type i.e.
const b = type({
userData: {
name: 'string'
random: 'number'
const b = type({
userData: {
name: 'string'
random: 'number'
JameEnderOP12mo ago
Yeah that would indeed be the best, is there no API to somehow embed a into b in the initial Program A example?
ssalbdivad12mo ago
In a simple case like that you don't need a custom API
JameEnderOP12mo ago
Right, but the second I want to add non primitive or "non objects", like arrays with arrayOf, I can't simple export the initial schema as JSON
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Everything can be expressed syntactically
JameEnderOP12mo ago
const b = type({
userData: {
name: 'string'
random: arrayOf('number')
const b = type({
userData: {
name: 'string'
random: arrayOf('number')
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Just use TS syntax:
const b = type({
userData: {
name: 'string'
random: 'number[]'
const b = type({
userData: {
name: 'string'
random: 'number[]'
JameEnderOP12mo ago
That breaks down when I want an array of objects :D
ssalbdivad12mo ago
If you need an array of an object, there's a feature called tuple expressions to allow that syntax to work:
const b = type({
userData: [{
name: 'string'
}, '[]'],
random: 'number'
const b = type({
userData: [{
name: 'string'
}, '[]'],
random: 'number'
Obviously if you're nesting a huge amount of them it gets a little unwieldy which is why scopes are so convenient
JameEnderOP12mo ago
Okay, that is exactly what I needed to have it JSONable. It's quite inconvinient so I think I'll sacrifice the scopes entryPoint unconvience for better DX. Thank you a lot!
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Actually one last note, if you're willing to try something new and don't need these features https://discord.com/channels/957797212103016458/1029933931090423828/1221863916364369920, maybe go for 2.0.0-dev.5
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ssalbdivad12mo ago
There is a .json property on Type that will serialize it. There's some other caveats and a few changed APIs (e.g. helper methods gone, now chained like .and, .or, .array() etc.) But maybe worth using that now if you're interested in serialization I can give you an overview of how that would work
JameEnderOP12mo ago
How do I install the dev version with npm? :D
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Sorry I wrote it backwards You can use 2.0.0-dev.5 or the dev tag
JameEnderOP12mo ago
Okay that works, how can I deserialize the .json after?
ssalbdivad12mo ago
You can use something like type("schema", t.json) Note that will probably change a bit in the next dev build, but nothing meaningful- just that API 😛 It would instead likely be something like schema(t.json)
JameEnderOP12mo ago
This gives me a ParseError
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Can you show me The code Oh I see I guess in that version there is no top-level expression for schema. So the API will definitely change 😛 But that does work at runtime
JameEnderOP12mo ago
const a = type({
age: 'number'

const b = type({
ages: a.array()

const c = type('schema', b.json)
const a = type({
age: 'number'

const b = type({
ages: a.array()

const c = type('schema', b.json)
ssalbdivad12mo ago
No description
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Yeah seems like you have to stick it in a tuple to satisfy the types there, my bad. Like I said though, probably will just be schema next release to do that (hopefully today 🙏)
JameEnderOP12mo ago
It doesn't work in a tuple either, I added the [] and I'm still getting ParseError :D
ssalbdivad12mo ago
So that's a runtime error you're referring to? Weird
JameEnderOP12mo ago
const a = type({
age: 'number'

const b = type({
ages: a.array()

const c = type(['schema', b.json as any])
const a = type({
age: 'number'

const b = type({
ages: a.array()

const c = type(['schema', b.json as any])
Yes a runtime error, ParseError: Key 0 is not valid on proto schema
ssalbdivad12mo ago
I see that 😭 Sorry, I haven't done a lot of testing on this dynamic serialization use case yet. I guess I didn't handle the unpacking the type reference correctly when dealing with JSON? You can always use the scope/tuple definition for now (and are still probably better off using 2.0 if you can), and then you can switch to this once it's stable Oh yeah I think I see the problem
JameEnderOP12mo ago
It works without the .array() tho
ssalbdivad12mo ago
Yeah it's because in the general case I expect instanceof to reference a constructor but for builtins like Array I use a string. I must have forgotten to handle that in some case I will fix it for this release and let you know
JameEnderOP12mo ago
Thanks a lot!
ssalbdivad12mo ago
No problem, thanks for guinea pigging it sorry it doesn't work yet 🥹
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ssalbdivad11mo ago
Definitely, I'm still working on the docs for 2.0 as part of the larger release as the top priority!
JameEnderOP10mo ago
Hello, I'm coming back to this, is there a way to create a new type out of otherType.json, or is that still WIP?
TizzySaurus10mo ago
otherType.json can be passed into schema from @arktype/schema to re-create otherType if that's what you mean
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Yeah but if you just copy it 1:1 it will reuse the cached instance You can add a description or something like otherType.describe("foo") What is the use case for needing an exact copy of an existing type?
JameEnderOP10mo ago
Two independent pieces of code, one is used as a "test" driver, one is the actual working code. The working code, on its run, exports a JSON of the schema, so the tester can later verify the outputs, without affecting the performance or throwing the responsibility onto the working code.
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Oh you mean you want to serialize it across processes?
JameEnderOP10mo ago
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Yeah you can use .json for that and obviously it won't reuse a cache Keep in mind though if you include anything non-serializable like a custom validator that will not work
JameEnderOP10mo ago
Will a field that is a type work? Something like this
import { type } from 'arktype'
import { schema } from '@arktype/schema'

const detailsSchema = type({
age: 'number'

const userSchema = type({
name: 'string',
details: detailsSchema

const duplicated = schema(userSchema.json)
import { type } from 'arktype'
import { schema } from '@arktype/schema'

const detailsSchema = type({
age: 'number'

const userSchema = type({
name: 'string',
details: detailsSchema

const duplicated = schema(userSchema.json)
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Yeah that's fine
JameEnderOP10mo ago
And how do I do the schema thingy? It's complaining about the userSchema.json It seems to work just fine, but typescript is complaining
Argument of type 'Json' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AliasSchema<string> | MorphSchema | UnitSchema<unknown> | { readonly description?: string | undefined; domain?: DomainSchema | undefined; ... 16 more ...; undeclared?: UndeclaredKeyBehavior | undefined; } | ProtoSchema<...> | DomainSchema<...> | UnionSchema<...>'.
Argument of type 'Json' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AliasSchema<string> | MorphSchema | UnitSchema<unknown> | { readonly description?: string | undefined; domain?: DomainSchema | undefined; ... 16 more ...; undeclared?: UndeclaredKeyBehavior | undefined; } | ProtoSchema<...> | DomainSchema<...> | UnionSchema<...>'.
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Ahh because it's trying to validate it. There's something called rawRoot you can use I will probably rename that to rawSchema in next release. I guess I can also change the type of .json to be a RootSchema for root types For now you can use rawRoot or just cast
JameEnderOP10mo ago
rawRoot has the same problem
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Oh yeah it would still look for a schema of some sort huh Just cast it for now I can type json as RootSchema in the next release
JameEnderOP10mo ago
Omg even .array() works and all This is great! I'm very grateful for all the work youve done
ssalbdivad10mo ago
It should be very robust because the type system uses that .json to make comparisons As long as you don't have any non-serializable values you'll be fine
JameEnderOP10mo ago
What does "anything serialized" mean?
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Sorry bad description
JameEnderOP10mo ago
Non serializable
ssalbdivad10mo ago
symbols, functions, === to one of those
JameEnderOP10mo ago
So something that doesn't work with JSON.stringify()?
ssalbdivad10mo ago
or === to an object stuff like that
JameEnderOP10mo ago
Got you
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Yeah mostly So obviously that would include .narrow and .pipe calls as a major one. But you can actually extract out just the input portion of a type you pipe with .in At some point the way it will work will be it will store named references to non-serializable values that you have to explicitly pass in when deserializing For now I just create those references on my own but they can't persist across processes obviously Hmm I guess given that for now .json returns string references for non-serializable values means saying it is a valid root schema by default would be kind of a lie.
JameEnderOP10mo ago
Yeah that makes sense And it would have to stay that way, as functions just cant be serialized because of potential external dependencies inside the fn body
ssalbdivad10mo ago
Yeah. You may need to cast for now I will figure out a more robust solution eventually though
JameEnderOP10mo ago
That's fine by me, maybe exporting the schema fn as something more verbose would be good for newcomers? Something like typeFromJson or similar
ssalbdivad10mo ago
As something that could clearly fail maybe
JameEnderOP10mo ago
But that could be misleading, as you could just parse a json of {"field": "number"} and it would not work as you could expect But at that moment, I'd assume you would just do JSON.parse and use type, idk Right, also I love the return error as value with type, I miss it a lot when I switch from Rust to TS
ssalbdivad10mo ago
export type TryParseSchema = <castTo = unknown>(
def: unknown,
opts?: NodeParseOptions
) => ParseError | Root<castTo, {}>

export const tryParseSchema: TryParseSchema = (def, opts) => {
try {
return schema(def as RootSchema, opts) as never
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ParseError) return e
throw e
export type TryParseSchema = <castTo = unknown>(
def: unknown,
opts?: NodeParseOptions
) => ParseError | Root<castTo, {}>

export const tryParseSchema: TryParseSchema = (def, opts) => {
try {
return schema(def as RootSchema, opts) as never
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ParseError) return e
throw e
JameEnderOP10mo ago
That looks great I'm not sure about the "try" part, as that atleast to me implies that I should use a try catch block if the parsing fails, which isn't the case, because it returns the error as value without throwing But on that note I don't know what the best naming practices in JS space are, so thats more of a feeling than anything
ssalbdivad10mo ago
parseUnknownSchema? maybeParseSchema parseAsSchema
JameEnderOP4mo ago
maybeParseSchema sounds silly, but gets the message across the best imo Hi, I'd like to ask if you plan on supporting recursive types -> JSON, as it would be a huge improvement for me and my team :) (this is probably the best place I figured to ask lol)
ssalbdivad4mo ago
Yes! We have this tracked here: https://github.com/arktypeio/arktype/issues/1087 My plan was to revisit this sometime after stable v2. The JSON schema side of it may be conducive to external contribution, but it would likely involve a bit of work with type nodes as well. Thanks for your sponsorship as well btw 😊
Support conversion of cyclic types to JSON Schema · Issue #1087 · a...
This would allow types like the following to be converted to JSON schema via $ref: import { scope } from "arktype"; const types = scope({ a: { b: "b" }, b: { a: "a" } ...
JameEnderOP4mo ago
No worries, i value the work you're doing and it's the least i can do

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