Filamentβ€’3mo ago
joao nivaldo

Create a global search

Guys, what would be the best approach for me to take for the following resource. I need to create a screen for a global search. In the textobox I will enter the term and it will search in several models. The result must be grouped by model and must be displayed in a table. How should I do this? Thanks
10 Replies
krekasβ€’3mo ago
Why do you need it in a resource? What's wrong with the global search at the top nav?
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldoβ€’3mo ago
There is no way to search the table globally, as I will check several models and then return a result grouped by model. I think that in the global search of the table this cannot be done, if it is possible and you can show me how I appreciate it.
krekasβ€’3mo ago
can't you use this?
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldoβ€’3mo ago
So from what I saw, I can only use a Model with several relationships for this global search. And actually I need to search, for example, in the table, users, products, categories, blog, etc. And then return the result grouped by model.
krekasβ€’3mo ago
check the demo app isn't like that you want?
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldoβ€’3mo ago
According to the demo application, this would be the case. But I didn't understand how to do this from the documentation in the link you gave me. She only cites a record with several relationships. Or when I use this global search, does it already get all the columns that are marked for searches in the resource tables? Another thing, is there any way I can show the search results in a table and not in a dropdown? I've now read the documentation you gave me and I think I understand. I apologize for my questions. So I had 2 doubts. How do I disable a resource where I don't want it to be seen by global search and how can I show the result in a table, for example, or in another custom layout instead of the dropdown?
blntgvn42β€’3mo ago
in your resource, just put;
public static function getGloballySearchableAttributes(): array
return [];
public static function getGloballySearchableAttributes(): array
return [];
This disables global search for resource. However, I dont have any idea about custom layout πŸ™‚
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldoβ€’3mo ago
Thanks for your help.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’3mo ago
I guess you could build your own page and just pass the search to the global search class and render the results yourself
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