Testing action error

Hello and thanks for anyone that helps me. So I have a list page were i have a custom action
->label('Import Historical Orders')
->before(function (Action $action) {
if (Gate::denies('import-historical-orders')) {
->action(fn () => ImportUserHistoricalOrders::dispatch(auth()->user()))
->label('Import Historical Orders')
->before(function (Action $action) {
if (Gate::denies('import-historical-orders')) {
->action(fn () => ImportUserHistoricalOrders::dispatch(auth()->user()))
When testing this action i'm getting the error
Failed asserting that an event [open-modal] was fired with parameters: {"id":"oUPpTeYPcvmKfIXk0WEo-action"}
Failed asserting that an event [open-modal] was fired with parameters: {"id":"oUPpTeYPcvmKfIXk0WEo-action"}
The test is the following one
If i remove the Action $action parameter from the closure on the before method from the action the error doesn't appear anymore. So how can i test an action that have a closure with the action itself?
4 Replies
🎮Days🕹OP9mo ago
Anyone had this error before?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
I think this is coming from callAction() which asserts opening the modal which won't happen because of your before(). Try using mountAction()
🎮Days🕹OP9mo ago
@Dennis Koch thanks for the answer but i have tryied it and i have the same behaviour even doing this
->label('Import Historical Orders')
->action(function (Action $action) {
if (Gate::denies('import-historical-orders')) {

->label('Import Historical Orders')
->action(function (Action $action) {
if (Gate::denies('import-historical-orders')) {

removing the before and adding the check on the action i have the same behaviour...it's something to do when i pass the Action parametter to the closure. Solved the situation removing the
and adding
and removing the expectation
for an unknown reason for me the halt method is giving this error
gizmojo5mo ago
Same issue here when halting the action and testing for this. @Dennis Koch those assertions prevent it reaching assertActionHalted.

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