Railway6mo ago

Postgres DB Crashed Due to Storage

Hello! I'm using a js package called ponder (https://ponder.sh/) to index the ethereum blockchain. My deployment crashed from what looks like a lack of storage. When I look at the memory chart of my postgres database on railway though, I had around 3.5GB of memory remaining when it stopped. Is there another reason why this could have broken? I'm not sure what final storage size will end up being, but I expect it should fall under 8GB. Any help is appreciated! Project ID: 72e571de-3aaf-4521-bfcb-d36891096f9c
Ponder – A backend framework for crypto apps
Ponder is an open-source framework for crypto apps focused on developer experience and performance.
26 Replies
Percy6mo ago
Project ID: 72e571de-3aaf-4521-bfcb-d36891096f9c
Brody6mo ago
You would be looking at your memory, postgres does not store persistent data in ram. Hobby users get 5gb disks and that would dictate how much you are able to store in the database, you can check how much disk space postgres has used by clicking the volume that is attached to the bottom of the database service within your project canvas. If you need more than 5gb you would need to upgrade to Pro for 50gb volumes, then you can move the project over to your Pro workspace and grow the volume to 50gb from within the volumes settings.
nickb6mo ago
Understood - looks like it failed at around 4.5GB, so that would make sense
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Brody6mo ago
You would still be looking at the memory, postgres does not store it's persistent data in memory. In my message above I included instructions on how you would go about viewing the disk usage.
nickb6mo ago
thanks for pointing that out again
nickb6mo ago
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nickb6mo ago
I see it's tapped out - is there anything I need to do after upgrading to pro to increase the storage limit, or will it increase automatically?
Brody6mo ago
I also included instructions for that in my initial message.
nickb6mo ago
🤦‍♂️ sorry. Thanks for everything
Brody6mo ago
No worries, let me know if you run into any difficulties.
nickb6mo ago
I have a follow up question: I moved the project over and grew the storage, but the db deployment failed again because it says 'invalid length of startup packet'
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nickb6mo ago
I'm not very experienced with deploying services like this, so apologies for any dumb questions - I'm assuming there is some corrupted data because the db was interrupted last time. Does this mean the data in the db is corrupted, or just some files that are needed for startup/other tasks? If the db data is corrupted, is there a way I can easily roll back? No worries if not, I can run the indexing script again if needed
Brody6mo ago
Can you access the database still? just wanna make sure even though I've seen these errors on my own database and have not faced any issues.
nickb6mo ago
no, the deployment failed during build
Brody6mo ago
First off can you make sure you can connect to the database with a database client like dbgate? And second, please send your build logs using this - https://bookmarklets.up.railway.app/log-downloader/
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