Select input having background icons

I created a custom form on Livewire component and when i render the form, the form have background icons for a select box like it shows in image, when i use the searchable then it works fine. take a look at department select box and case category box, In case category i used searchable and it works fine, but i dont want to use searchable. please help on this, and sorry if there any grammar mistake
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5 Replies
LeandroFerreira3mo ago
weird.. try ->native(false)
TheAbhishekIN3mo ago
thanks, it works
TheAbhishekIN3mo ago
Now, this is a dependent select box, When i select the department, case category is changed which is good in first time, but when i select the case category and then again change the department, and want to change the case category it show the ID of previous selected item, as it shows in screen shot, this is my code, Select::make('department_id') ->label('Department') ->options(Department::all()->pluck('name', 'id')) ->required() ->live() ->native(false), Select::make('category_id') ->label('Case Category') ->options(fn (Get $get): Collection => Category::query() ->where('department_id', $get('department_id')) ->get() ->pluck('name', 'id') ) ->native(false) ->required(),
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TheAbhishekIN3mo ago
@Leandro Ferreira please help