Choose between .NET Maui or Xamarin Forms to learn mobile app development

Hi guys, I want to start learning mobile app development and do not know which of the above to choose? Any ideas please? Using Visual Studio with C#.
43 Replies
Thing from Human Resources
if you want to generally start with mobile app dev also cosider taking a look at Kotlin with Jetpack compose if you want to use C# for it, id say go with MAUI
Buddy6mo ago
Note that .net maui is dogshit. Only decent option we got for .NET mobile sadly, however it comes with tons of bugs and issues. Also lacks useful controls. Bitwarden even tried to use it but ultimately didn't and just moved to making their app native (Kotlin on Android and Swift on IOS).
Esa6mo ago
Kotlin is a joy to work with. So I wouldn't be opposed to that if I were you.
Manie Verster
Manie Verster6mo ago
Hey, I am open for anything. Only just now starting my learning process. I will look at your suggestion about Kotlin and Jetpack compose. Programming for Android because my cell phone is Android. Will maybe look at IOS later on. Thank you everybody for the comments.
Thing from Human Resources
For IOS you could go swift Note that all, Swift, Jetpack compose and MAUI can go cross platform for Android and ios if you wanted to Its just about what workflow you might prefer Kotlin really is chill Reminds me a lot of C# at times
cap5lut6mo ago
i actually wanted to throw Avalonia into the pot of frameworks, but cuz
Only decent option we got for .NET mobile sadly
im now curios if its that crappy on mobile
Esa6mo ago
yeah I worked with kotlin before C#, so it feels very natural to recommend it for me haha
Thing from Human Resources
I wish C# had some GUI styling like Jetpack compose I'm really not a fan of the XML/XAML styling :SCgetoutofmyhead:
Esa6mo ago
I only ever did Kotlin for server code, so I don't know how it's GUI capabilities are. But I've heard they're mostly good.
cap5lut6mo ago
it replaced java for android app development as de facto standard a long time ago, so i guess it has quite good capabilities
Thing from Human Resources
Buddy6mo ago
Sadly it is At least some time ago it had frequent crashes (in v0.11) On android
Thing from Human Resources
Jetpack compose: :Kadse:
cap5lut6mo ago
anyway i would at least say, dont get started with xamarin forms, its end of life is may 1st 2024, so less than a month that was the last version i used too, tho just for some desktop gui and mainly to play around (i hate GUI development)
Manie Verster
Manie Verster6mo ago
Ok guys, now I need to ask my next question from you. What do I need to download to develop with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. Checked it out in Google but getting mixed signals or my I am mixed up. Can I develop this in Windows? Then how do you normally handle the GUI development?
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