I have made the mistake of choosing to use webforms please help( this is has to be done in webform)
for some reason when i use Response.Redirect("QuestionForm.aspx"); it doesn't direct me to the form instead just directing me to the form i am already in
9 Replies
Webforms is dead
If you're making a new project in Webforms, that project is dead from the get-go
Stillborn, if you will
Chances that you will find any help with a Webforms project reached 0 sometimes in 2010
if gods willing then maybe i shall get help
A better choice would be to create a new project with something that didn't die out in Pleistocene, and salvage what you can by copy-pasting code
no can do brother
@mexicanshrekdonkey u should add to the top that this is homework and needs to be done in webforms
so people are aware of the limitations
instead of making a dramatic title
do i need to make a new one or is their a way to add this as it is?
just update the title
with proper information
i.e.: Redirect not working on webforms(homework)
anyway gl.
Unknown User•11mo ago
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Could zou have possibly misheard the assignment? Isnt it supposed to be WinForms?