(2 bugs) line of missing chunks and floating island rendered weirdly

ill get my latest log ready
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5 Replies
davey crabs
davey crabs11mo ago
I have this same issue man I always come across it when there are ice regions/islands
wannadecryptorOP11mo ago
yeah same
Puhpine11mo ago
Nothing more you can do than increase vertical quality
TheNewSky11mo ago
2.0.3 has options for higher vertical quality but it’s buggy so I’d wait until it’s added to the nightly download I opened a world that had LODs generated in 2.0.2 with 2.0.3 installed and it totally messed up the world and made my game crash on opening it, even if I had DH uninstalled or deleted the LOD data. Luckily I backed up the world right before trying it bc I figured something might happen.

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