C#12mo ago

Naming conventions with Dto

I've got a PatientDto and it has an Id in it from entity core. Sometimes I want a PatientDto without an Id, i.e. if I've got an endpoint GetPatientById(int id) there isn't much point in returning the Id. Should I just returning it anyway and avoid the hassle or should i have a different dto?
35 Replies
Salman12mo ago
I guess you are mixing the DataTransferObject wit the the main database Entity. Your main classes that serves as a row in database are your entites and the classes/records you use for data exchange such as returning respones or recieving some data are DTOs. So yes you need a DTO if you want to customize your response or input data.
Pobiega12mo ago
In this case, I'd say keep the ID. But in other cases, where it matters more, you do want more specific DTOs and having many is not only usual, but expected and intended. I usually don't use the Dto suffix at all - I call my dtos by what made them. RegisterPatientResponse is the DTO for Patient when it was just created
Angius12mo ago
I try to make my DTO names more descriptive
Salman12mo ago
Yeah and normally you don't hide ids in such cases
Angius12mo ago
PatientPostDto, PatientGetDto, PatientSimpleDto, etc
Pobiega12mo ago
what properties to hide/show should be based on the intended use. Id is pretty safe to include almost everywhere, as its not uncommon for a frontend to store the object they fetched for later use, and them having to stitch in the ID manually is extra work
Angius12mo ago
Eh, if I don't need the ID I don't include it It's not needed to, dunno, display a blogpost
Pobiega12mo ago
for a GetXById I would not remove the ID
Salman12mo ago
you might need the ID in serveral cases later on like if you wanna play with that specific object
Angius12mo ago
Then I add the property to the DTO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CyclomaticOP12mo ago
A matter of choice then 🙂 preference*
v0fbu1vm12mo ago
Having the ID in your DTO's is always a good idea. I usually only have 1 DTO for each of my entities. I make all the properties nullable and tell the controllers to ignore null properties. So any property that have a null value, won't be included.
Pobiega12mo ago
You are an evil evil person.
v0fbu1vm12mo ago
It makes life simplier.
Pobiega12mo ago
Also a very ironic name you have there, as doing this will make your swagger contract be a mess swagger looks at the types returned by your api methods, and if you use the same DTO everywhere, it appears as if they all return COULD return everything so yeah, if you wanna do that go ahead... but please don't recommend that approach to anyone
v0fbu1vm12mo ago
I'm the only developer. So it makes since to me.
Pobiega12mo ago
Again, thats fine. But you can't assume everyone else is also a solo dev, or won't care about API contracts
v0fbu1vm12mo ago
That's true. I haven't really thought of that.
CyclomaticOP12mo ago
Another question: I've got an AppointmentDto that contains Date and DoctorId and PatientId. Let's say I have an GetAppointOnDate(DateTime date) and it would return List<AppointmentDto>. How would you handle this on your client side? I imagine that the DoctorId would appear many times in different AppointmentDto. Would I keep calling the GetDoctor(int id) end point? Or keep a cache or something on the client side for each call. The cache is added complexity is my main concern...
Pobiega12mo ago
First thing, I'd change your GetAppointmentsOnDate to accept a DateOnly 🙂 if it gets all the appointsments on that date, it shouldnt take a time component
v0fbu1vm12mo ago
One solution would be to tell the JsonSerializer to IgnoreCycles.
Pobiega12mo ago
And yeah, either you have the AppointmentDto contain a DoctorDto inside of it, which leads to a lot of duplicated data, or you only return the DoctorId and let the FE fetch it. we do the second approach at work for endpoints we know often return a lot of repeat data, and we use a "cache" (its just the frontend data store)
v0fbu1vm12mo ago
I'm curious, ignoring cycles, is it a bad idea?
Pobiega12mo ago
not sure how IgnoreCycles solves anything here, as the problem isn't Appointment -> Doctor -> Appointment yes, you should model your DTOs so there are no cycles anyways I think it mostly comes down to ease of use and how many appointments you are likely to get on a single date if its 1000+, then the repeat data might become a problem if its less then that, its not really, and the ease of use of simply including the doctors info with the response wins out in my book alternatively, add pagination
v0fbu1vm12mo ago
I have actually had this issue before. By telling it to ignore cycles it only keeps 1 object. Instead of having for instance Doctor -> [Appointment(Doctor -> [Appointment])]
Pobiega12mo ago
yeah, but as said, if you dont reuse dtos and have too many props, the DoctorDto in this case wouldn't have any back-nav props it would just be a simple data object representing the doctor, it wouldnt also include a list of appointments
CyclomaticOP12mo ago
Pobiega12mo ago
How are you mapping Entity to DTO btw?
CyclomaticOP12mo ago
I've got an extension method PatientDto ToDto(this PatientEntity) etc, or do you mean what's in the ToDto method? I'm still working on the Appointment side of things
Angius12mo ago
Make sure it translates well to SQL, and EF isn't doing something weird like fetching everything and mapping client-side
Pobiega12mo ago
^ You might want to have a look at something like Mapperly which will allow you to have IQueryable<Entity> to IQueryable<Dto> mapping. All source generated too, so no weird runtime performance loss
CyclomaticOP12mo ago
Good to know, thank you. I'll keep an eye out for it My ToDto: /// <summary> /// Maps an AppointmentEntity to an AppointmentDto. /// </summary> /// <param name="appointmentEntity">The AppointmentEntity to map.</param> /// <returns>The mapped AppointmentDto.</returns> public static AppointmentDto ToDto(this AppointmentEntity appointmentEntity) { return new AppointmentDto { Id = appointmentEntity.Id, DateTime = appointmentEntity.DateTime, PatientId = appointmentEntity.PatientId, DoctorId = appointmentEntity.DoctorId }; } My call in EF core: var appointments = await _context.Appointments .Where(a => DateOnly.FromDateTime(a.DateTime) == date) .Select(a => a.ToDto()) .ToListAsync(); My AppointmentEntity does have PatientEntity and DoctorEntity properties, but I don't map them. But I guess EF is getting them anyway yeah? That's what you mean?
Angius12mo ago
Yeah, from what I recall EF doesn't really like anything with a return, it likes expressions
Pobiega12mo ago
Angius12mo ago
public static Expression<Func<AppointmentEntity, AppointmentDto>> ToDto = (a) => new AppointmentDto {
Id = a.Id,
DateTime = a.DateTime,
PatientId = a.PatientId,
DoctorId = a.DoctorId,
public static Expression<Func<AppointmentEntity, AppointmentDto>> ToDto = (a) => new AppointmentDto {
Id = a.Id,
DateTime = a.DateTime,
PatientId = a.PatientId,
DoctorId = a.DoctorId,

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