send commands

Hi, How do I send a warn with the battlemtrics api to a player on Squad? I wish my Python script could send a warn but I can’t find the POST or GET request to do it? Is there a list with all possible additional orders for Squad? Thank you in advance for your lights! ❤️
7 Replies
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
Your better off running it as a RAW Command, (Simplier then trying to work out BM Coding/Shortcuts for the commands) You will want to review this:
BMSharp/docs/ at master · BloodfallenTear/BMSharp
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for interacting with the BattleMetrics API (Currently under heavy development). - BloodfallenTear/BMSharp
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
This way you just send the command the exact same you would within game via command line
[LvL] Archicoincoin
[LvL] ArchicoincoinOP11mo ago
Thank you you just saved me !!! I get another question. Is there a way to get logs with a GET request ? (to send them on Discord ?) Thank you ! ❤️
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
No, you have to track the activity log via websocket to my knowledge, Their is no direct documented endpoint to pull activity logs. One of the other guys in the #api channel maybe able to better help in that area.
[LvL] Archicoincoin
[LvL] ArchicoincoinOP11mo ago
I've found it !!
Abu11mo ago
The WS is only for receiving new logs and updating the player list. When you load in the page or scroll it uses an endpoint to fetch existing logs.
[MIG] EOC LongBarrel
It's why I stated documented in my response

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