Nuxt12mo ago

[RESOLVED] I need await on start up of app.vue

I would like to wait until it has finished loading all the essential data to be able to proceed with using the application, what is the best practice? I'm currently using a plugin and until it enters onMounted the layout and page aren't shown.
<NuxtLayout v-if="finish">
<NuxtPage />

<script setup lang="ts">
const finish = ref(false);
onMounted(() => finish.value = true)
<NuxtLayout v-if="finish">
<NuxtPage />

<script setup lang="ts">
const finish = ref(false);
onMounted(() => finish.value = true)
42 Replies
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
Would do it the same way but with a loading indicator/page. But there has to be a nicer way. Curious how other people would do it.
CesxhinOP12mo ago
Can hooks events be stopped? with async/await
pyplacca12mo ago
I usually opt for an asynchronous middleware. This blocks the app from loading until the promise has been resolved
CesxhinOP12mo ago
uhm okay, but how do you understand that it only needs to charge once? Middleware are the routes and they are triggered every time the page is changed.
pyplacca12mo ago
Yon can combine that with a cookie or a global state. So you only call/await the async function when the state holds a certain value (you decide what the value is)
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
But you will get a blank page till everything is loaded right?
pyplacca12mo ago
Yes That’s what happens on initial page load. Subsequent page navigations using the same middleware - if the await call is not skipped - will just block the navigation until the middleware has finished running
CesxhinOP12mo ago
I honestly don't like this solution, it seems like the connection is slow or network problems
pyplacca12mo ago
that's fine. it was only a suggestion PS: if you're fetching the data from an external API, you can only but wait. Add a loading screen for wait time would improve the UX nonetheless
CesxhinOP12mo ago
I appreciate your suggestion thanks. I also did this in app.vue but I got the warning saying that I have some pages and I don't have the <NuxtPage> tag just because it was hidden at a certain time.
pyplacca12mo ago
are you rendering the NuxtPage conditionally?
CesxhinOP12mo ago
yah, look at the first comment I made
pyplacca12mo ago
the condition there is on the layout
CesxhinOP12mo ago
yes, because I don't want to see the layout too
pyplacca12mo ago
try this. should help clear the error
<div v-if="finish">
<NuxtPage />
<div v-if="finish">
<NuxtPage />
CesxhinOP12mo ago
not work.
[nuxt] Your project has pages but the `<NuxtPage />` component has not been used. You might be using the `<RouterView />` component instead, which will not work correctly in Nuxt. You can set `pages: false` in `nuxt.config` if you do not wish to use the Nuxt `vue-router` integration.
[nuxt] Your project has pages but the `<NuxtPage />` component has not been used. You might be using the `<RouterView />` component instead, which will not work correctly in Nuxt. You can set `pages: false` in `nuxt.config` if you do not wish to use the Nuxt `vue-router` integration.
my code now is:
<template v-if="finish">
<NuxtPage />
<template v-else>
<template v-if="finish">
<NuxtPage />
<template v-else>
pyplacca12mo ago
no, not on the template the layout is wrapped in a div that's has the condition
CesxhinOP12mo ago
same error also with div
pyplacca12mo ago
CesxhinOP12mo ago
there is also this warn:
[nuxt] Your project has layouts but the `<NuxtLayout />` component has not been used.
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node)
[nuxt] Your project has layouts but the `<NuxtLayout />` component has not been used.
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node)
pyplacca12mo ago
i just tested with this and it worked fine
No description
CesxhinOP12mo ago
how you defined pages and layouts?
pyplacca12mo ago
I don't follow can u rephrase?
CesxhinOP12mo ago
try create one page and one layout
pyplacca12mo ago
I have 2 layouts and several pages i'm on nuxt v3.11.1
CesxhinOP12mo ago
uhm, very strange.... I used <slot> on layout, it's correct ? me too
pyplacca12mo ago
yeah. same wait, is that the only child inside the layout?
CesxhinOP12mo ago
what mean?
pyplacca12mo ago
what does your layout look like. then content of layout's template nevermind. doesn't really matter
CesxhinOP12mo ago
<bar />
<div id="content">
<otherComponents />
<bar />
<div id="content">
<otherComponents />
This is my layout for default and login (without component bar). I have two layouts
pyplacca12mo ago
one moment hmm. looks fine. not sure why you're getting that error
pyplacca12mo ago
Warning from NuxtLayout: Your project has layouts but the `` compon...
Environment package.json { "nuxt": "^3.9.0", "typescript": "^5.2.2", "vue": "3.4.0-rc.3", "vue-router": "latest" } Re...
CesxhinOP12mo ago
in my opinion it would have been very useful to somehow stop the client process in the hook for a moment I read thanks in the documentation there is this:
// or only skip middleware on initial client load
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
if (import.meta.client && nuxtApp.isHydrating && nuxtApp.payload.serverRendered) return
// or only skip middleware on initial client load
const nuxtApp = useNuxtApp()
if (import.meta.client && nuxtApp.isHydrating && nuxtApp.payload.serverRendered) return
But let's return to the same problem which must be put in middleware and seems to be the effect of the internet slowdown
pyplacca12mo ago
yeah. that helps greatly when you're using a middleware
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
Something like this doesn’t work?
No description
CesxhinOP12mo ago
I think that this is correct but the problem is display on console one warning of NuxtPage
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
Not sure if you can hide the nuxtpage at first
[PATH] Luckɣsեriike (Orin)
Stack Overflow
How to add a page loader in Nuxt 3 application
I’m building an application using Nuxt 3, I want to add a page loader until the website loads.
CesxhinOP11mo ago
It's okay to remove the loading animation but that's not what I need. Apparently only what I did works, that is, creating an asynchronous plugin and as long as app.vue enters onMounted it means that it has loaded all the plugins. Currently the most effective solution without having warnings for NuxtPage is to set the #__nuxt style as display: none; and when onMounted of app.vue enters I set #__nuxt as display: block; Thanks guys so much for helping me.
pyplacca11mo ago
ahh the simplicity 👌

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