About Repeaters
Hello Filament community.
I'd been using this framework for almost two months. Repeaters are such a great Filament feature!
In Filament V3: How can I customize a Repeater in order to be able to drag it from the header instead of the arrows?

7 Replies
You have to use the actual button on the left to drag them.
I'd tried increasing button width, it seams to work...at least using developer tools. How can I target that button without messing with the rest. It belongs to a li with these attributes: <li x-sortable-handle="" x-on:click.stop="">

This worked:
.fi-fo-repeater-item-header ul li button:first-of-type {
width: 100px;
This one actually works.

I bet that item-header is a flex display so you might even be able to tell it to self stretch to make it take up the available space in the header.
That was even better. Thank you.

Final result.