Create a custom text widget
Hello, i am trying to creata a widget for in my dashboard.
I just want a text widget with some text in it and a button at the bottom that takes me to one of my resources
15 Replies
yes i know how to create a widget with that command, im talking about inside the actuall widget.
Do you have a blade file to add what you want
{{-- Widget content --}}
<p>Widget Content</p>
<button id="chargerButton" style="display: none;">Button</button>
idk if this is what you mean but this is an example of kinda waht i want in it
yes it is... you can also use blade components like button
What do you currently have and where is the isssue?
this is my dashboard:
and what i want to add is one (later 3) box it has to have a title, a lttle description and a button that takes me to one of my resources.
{{-- Widget content --}}
<p>Widget Content</p>
<button id="chargerButton" style="display: none;">Button</button>
i made this example in a blade
im sorry if i seem dumb, im really sick today and cant think straight
and im really new to filament
Okay. And you have created the
that currently looks like this:
namespace App\Filament\App\Widgets;
use Filament\Widgets\Widget;
class OnboardingOverview extends Widget
protected static string $view = '';
A base widget should be enough, since you overwrite the view anyway.
The widget is not showing at all? Try adding it in your panel provider
(even though they should be auto-detected)Solution
oh wait it does show now.
only thin is the button is not showing
never mind that is fixed now
thank u both so much
i think i can handle the styling myself
Because it was
display: none
? 😅yeahh im stupid, lmao found it out
im very good at overlooking stuff lol