C#•11mo ago

Entity Framework IQueryable question

I'm trying to get a list of prescriptions from my Patients entity: var kk = await _context.Patients.Where(p => p.Id == id) .Include(p => p.Prescriptions) .ThenInclude(p => p.Medicine) .Include(p => p.Prescriptions) .ThenInclude(p => p.Doctor) .ToListAsync(); var gg = await _context.Patients.Where(p => p.Id == id) .Include(p => p.Prescriptions) .ThenInclude(p => p.Medicine) .Include(p => p.Prescriptions) .ThenInclude(p => p.Doctor) .Select(p => new { Prescription = p.Prescriptions.Select(p => p.ToDto()) }) .ToListAsync(); kk works, but gg returns an empty list;. Any ideas why this might be happening? I know it's a short snippet, but I figured there would be something obvious I am doing wrong... Thanks!
19 Replies
Angius•11mo ago
If you use a select you don't need includes btw
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
hmm. But why is p.Prescriptions empty? In the case of gg that is. gg is of Count = 1. kk is also of count one, but kk has a non empty Prescriptions
Angius•11mo ago
It would be empty if the patient with a given ID has no prescriptions Should be .FirstOrDefaultAsync() too, btw
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
It's like the Include isn't applying to the Select. FYI I'm trying to use the Select with the anonymous type because (when I figure it out) I want to return null if the patient isn't found, but one problem at a time
Angius•11mo ago
Seeing how, I assume, there's only one patient with the ID
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
yeah, but kk works, for the same id... To me, that's saying the Include isn't applying in the linq Select
Angius•11mo ago
Includes are useless with a select
var gg = await _context.Patients
.Where(p => p.Id == id)
.Select(p => new
Prescription = p.Prescriptions.Select(p => p.ToDto())
var gg = await _context.Patients
.Where(p => p.Id == id)
.Select(p => new
Prescription = p.Prescriptions.Select(p => p.ToDto())
this should be all
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
hmm ok. Now I'm wondering why I went down the Include route 😄 Now I remember My PrescriptionEntity has a MedicineEntity and it is always null. Include was solving that problem
Angius•11mo ago
Perhaps your ToDto() method doesn't map that property
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
Sure, that's where the exception occurs. Because PrescriptionEntity.Medicine is null Isn't it true that when I call _context.Patients.Where(p => p.Id == id) it finds Patients but it doesn't look up it's dependent properties?
Angius•11mo ago
What you have in the .Select() will look up those properties, though
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
But it doesn't 😄 For example, this works: var kk = _context.Patients .Where(p => p.Id == id) .Include(p => p.Prescriptions) .ThenInclude(p => p.Medicine).ToList(); var prescriptions = kk.Select(p => new { Prescription = p.Prescriptions.Select(p => p.ToDto()) }) .FirstOrDefault(); Only if I add the Includes. If I don't then Medicine is null
Angius•11mo ago
What's your ToDto?
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
MedTrackDash/MedTrackDash/Services/PatientDatabaseService.cs at zzz...
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CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
Angius•11mo ago
Huh, I wonder... It's probably because EF can't understand those methods for mapping, since they're not expressions So it fetches everything and maps on the client-side That's why includes are needed, to actually load everything I'd check what SQL does it actually output
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
Thanks for checking 🙂 I'll take a look at the SQL tomorrow, I'll need to add some proper logging. Glad it's not just immediately obvious.
CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
Stack Overflow
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CyclomaticOP•11mo ago
So, it seems I need AsEnumerable() when I am using the InMemoryDatabase(), and it seems that when I use an SQL database I no longer need AsEnumerable(). Secondly, just using Select(...) without any Include doesn't work at all, which I think makes sense? Without the Include and ThenInclude: SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Patients AS p) [00:36:21 INF] Executed DbCommand (1ms) [Parameters=[@__id_0='10'], CommandType='"Text"', CommandTimeout='30'] SELECT t.Id, p0.Id, p0.DoctorId, p0.EndDate, p0.IssueDate, p0.PatientId, p0.StartDate FROM ( SELECT p.Id FROM Patients AS p WHERE p.Id = @__id_0 LIMIT 1 ) AS t LEFT JOIN Prescriptions AS p0 ON t.Id = p0.PatientId ORDER BY t.Id`` So it only performs a LEFT JOIN on Prescriptions, not on the children of Prescriptions

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