High FPS and High Refresh Rate, Game looks laggy.
basically as the title says, i have a 165hz monitor. The game gets 200-300. Everything FPS settings uncapped. This only happened after upgrading from windows 10 to windows 11. I also did a clean install before installing valorant.
89 Replies
still having this problem
would be nice if anyone could help!
you sure ur monitor at Windows are capping 165hz?
I'm just gonna get windows 10 back
regret upgrading to 11
thats weird...
well... you need capped ur fps at ur monitor hz
I did
dont worth if ur monitor is 165hz
did nothing
and u get 220fps
I capped it 165
nothing happens
capped to 160
same thing
That's weird... i have w11 and i dont have any issue with fps
whats ur pc specs?
9400F, 2060 Super, B365M-A, 16GB DDR4 RAM
I did a bios update yesterday
did not help
whats i?-...
hmm... you have ur gpu drivers uptaded?
windows is also up to date
hmmm you have ur game ALL SETTINGS at low?
all low
like how I always play
damn, thats weird...
try talk to riot support
but the game look different for me on windows 11
I dont think they can really do anything tbh
yea, valorant have some problems at W11
I'll try windows 10 again
if you think is better regret to W10 do it
but try to talk riot support first
Hey, try checking if g sync is turned on or off. My secondary 165 hz monitor doesn't have g sync but main 240 asus tuf one does so when I enable it for one it ruins the other ones Hz while showing 165 it lags and feels sluggish even more then 60 on YouTube videos etc for me. So if your monitor doesn't support g sync or any setting like that and has it on could fk shit up
Just turn g sync or freesync thing on monitor setting off. If you cannot find it on monitor then check nvidia settings for such option. If that doesn't work next best thing is to go into the windows 11s app graphic setting thing and check if it's using the right Gpu and check if it's on battery save mode or not could be that but I doubt it since it's showing high fps as you say
can u help me?
I dont have G Sync But I do have AMDFreesync
Turn it off please and try playing the game
no differences
I had it turned on before this happened
everything worked great
Hmmm is your cable plugged in properly? Seems weird to why this could be happening then
I play daily on win 11 havnt seen anything close to this
I unplugged everything and plugged it all back in
downgraded to windows 10
still having the problem
If you can try you could try to reset your monitors settings completely
might just be VALORANT
Like go into its settings and just hard reset it to factory
no option to do that
Could you swap the account and try again? Since some settings are stored on the accounts you could figure out if it's one of those or not. Since half the player base in on high refresh rate and would have the same issue if it was the games fault
What monitor is it? There is always an option to reset to default on one's ik of
lemme check I forgot
acer XV270P
weird thing is that happened before
some accounts felt laggier for some reason
and some are completely smooth
Do you have raw buffer input enabled? For your mouse
Could be the delay without it making you feel like it's more laggy even tho it is not
lemme check
wait in game or my mouse?
Also. Try mature content off to. Sometimes the blood effect makes me feel like it lags my pc since I get focused on it cuz of the bright red color...xd my own skill issie
In game
Should be under the sensitivity setting
its on
doesnt help
still very laggy
Hmm weird then tbh do you have hdr on? If it only feels laggy by the tiny margins and you can't put your finger on it try to disable the overclock on your monitor I checked that it has that option maybe it's causing pixel over or under shoot where the frames pixels updates are delayed on some and update on some causing weird lag type thing if it goes by fast enough. Although it is only if it feels like running on 165 hz but laggy at some times
hdr is off
do not see the option for overcloking
Your monitor from the name you gave is suppose to be 144 hz not 165 but it's overclockable to 165
You might want to look at some YouTube tutorial or something and see how to reset it back if you want.
its overclockable if you use a displayport
which I am using rn
Overclocked monitors do have pixel skip/thing problems
But I doubt it's that
I had this problem before but I forgot what fixed it
Are you sure your not missing some drivers? Like any gpu/cpu or even audio etc ones?
not that I know off
geforce drivers is up to date\
bios is up to date
windows is up to date
I got no idea what could be going on. But could you try like lower resolution and see if it still lags?
lowering the res does help a lot
smoother than 1080p
Is multi threading on?
Also 2060 super gpu should never ever have issues running valorant on 1080p are the Temps of that card doing fine?
In game?
Or on windows ?
in game
Are you in like range?
Da fk.
maybe its my total frame time?
I noticed that it goes up to 11-15ms on 1080p
but on low res
Do you have multi threading on?
In game
yes its on

Put everything on high.
And see if it lowers fps
And if it does by how much
it does by 20 fps or so
Reasonable difference so the issue is not with the gpu I think its working like it should
it only feels choppy
on 1080
900p feels good
Go into your bios and check the processors settings and ram speed etc and if you feel like you can't figure it out just reset it to default or if it has an option to choose its own settings let it do that
I'll tru
load optimized defaults?
I feel like the monitor is the part that's fkin u over. Why? 900p has way less pixels for it to manage hence why to you it feels way better. My own asus tuf 240 hz does that shit
Yes but make sure to put ram speed/ram speed mode to xmr thing or profile 1
XMP correct?
alright it's set to profile 1
Yeah that xd I wrote xmr lmao
Did not work
Also. Try locking your fps but not to 165 but 163 2 under your refresh rate
I did before
Doesn't work sadly
this is stressing me out very much
literally almost gonna go to diamond 1
Now it's unplayable
What nvidia settings are you using rn?
Go into nvidia control panel and change the slider into quality
it's already set to quality on default
Go the other way then into the slider performance mode thing
Doesn't work
It's only valorant too
Other games works fine
@Ruvaid found the fix
it was my steelseries software recording games in the background
now its smooth