spatie-laravel-media-library field empty on edit
I am trying the package filamenet/spatie-laravel-media-library-plugin version 3.2
I've installed the migration and I've adapted my model with HasMedia & InteractsWithMedia
And I am using the field with :
On the create page, the field work and when I save, I can see the uploaded file in storage and in the media table
But on the edit page, the field don't show the inserted image. It still say "Drag and & drop your files or Browse"
Is SpatieMediaLibrary only save the file meta in the media table?
Or is it suppose to also update the reference of the media in my model? (In my case the property 'myimage' of my model)
If I switch the field to FileUpload, it works and my model's "myimage" field will contain the uploaded media path.
Any help is welcome
Thanks !
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