Need help - VPS + apache2
Hi i have website on VPS and i connected domain with cloudflare and generated origin certificate throught cloudflare, also i added this files to VPS and connected with apache.
now i am getting this error: NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
On mobile i am getting this error: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
12 Replies
The first error sounds like the site isn't proxied which can be caused by the dns record being read only or the zone not being activated at the nameservers
This happens because origin certificates are trusted only by Cloudflare, not by browsers
How can i fix this ?
I have pending validation on Edge certificate
I need to have also Client Certificates and Edge certificates ?
You need an edge certificate, the DNS record needs to be proxied and the zone needs to be activated (not pending nameserver setup)
But how i can get edge certificate ? because i still see pending validation - but i also added txt records to DNS
A DNS records are proxied
And is the zone activated?
how can i active zone ?
or where
Cloudflare Docs
Change your nameservers (Full setup) · Cloudflare DNS docs
If you want to use Cloudflare as your primary DNS provider and manage your DNS records on Cloudflare, your domain should be using a full setup.
Yeah you mean name servers ? Yeah they are activate
yeah if you mean name servers i have active it
Hi now i have another error 😄 DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
@Erisa | Support Engineer can you help me ? I have this error:
and this in edge certificates:

careful with excessively tagging people, it looks like it just needed a second to issue, your site loads fine for me now, and I assume the universal is no longer stuck issuing
yeah now its solved, ok sorry for tagging
May i ask you one more question? I have problem that when i change css on website, its not updateing (before it works but now when i added cloduflare it not working)
How can i solve this ?