77 Replies
When ever i join a new world it keeps giveing me this error in chat
and then it barly loads any lod chunks
What mods are you using?
distant horrizons
wdym like my mod list?
i can send a screen shot
yea, do that

Did you do that https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/1035937813310484540/1201688046110785556?
Discord - A New Way to Chat with Friends & Communities
Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text. Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.
If that doesn't help, you can also try the nightly Version of DH
ok one more think do i need to restart for it to work
yea, you need to restart minecraft
nvm i think i do
so my chunks wont load very fast unless ive preloaded them too so do you have a fix for that?
You can try increasing CPU Load in DH settings
i payed for the whole cpu
yah its a bit faster
there are a few wholes though
also my games studdering
after changeing the cpu thing
yea then you may need to decrease the option
that should be fixed within the next few releases/nightlys
until then you can delete your LOD file so DH regenerates them
DH depends on minecrafts slow chunk generation tho, so thats a big factor why its slow
yah i was reading another persons help thing so i downloaded c2me and nolisosom or what ever to try to make it faster
yea, that helps a bit
i also downloaded chunky
thats what i just wanted to recommend lol
and i set the radus to 1000 and started it
i was wondering if that was blocks or chunks
oh that explanes why 32,000 was gunna take 30 hours
when chunky is done generating the chunks you can disable
distant generation
so DH doesn't generate any more chunks and you don't lag anymore as muchwow chunky is so good
it finished so fast and now i can see everthing
yea, i was also astonished when i first tried it some days ago
so where is that disable distant rendering?
CPU Load
thx looks good, do you know if solas shaders or reamagined shaders are compatable?
The compatible reimagined shader is locked behind patreon
i can recommend bliss shader tho, its also pretty performant
for using shaders u need to use the betas of DH, Iris and your shader tho
wdym locked behind a patreaon like the dh varent?
for the Complementary Reimagined you need to donate on patreon or smth like that
i dident have to
or are you just saying the batas
Yea the beta which is DH compatible
ok i see
ill try bliss
gl then
wait is the a at the end mean its an alpha
yea i think, but for shaders you need the 2.0.2 not 2.0.1
witch one?

oh wait you mean bliss
no i ment dh but now bliss
im jumping around
You cant install that on curseforge or modrinth (the alpha)
One sec
2.0.2 or bliss i think i shouldove keeped this to one thing at a time
You need to go to this website: https://github.com/X0nk/Bliss-Shader, click on the green Button which says:
and then click Download ZIP
this is for blissok
for DH you need to download it here: https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/882038774861819954
im on 1.20.2 rn so this one right

oh wait, i forgot, shaders are only working on 1.20.1 or 1.20.4 right now
Iris dosen't have a compatible version for 1.20.2 yet
im also only getting 90 fps
but thats ok if i get to see 100 chunks š
all of your mods are avaible on 1.20.1 tho, if you want to switch
ok ill convert over to 1.20.1 unless 1.20.4 is more compatable
i already have a 1.20.4 instance so if 1.20.4 is more stable then ill do it
both are equally stable afaik
what vertioon of iris do i need
you can download it here: https://discord.com/channels/774352792659820594/1214628406097088584/1214629407571054733
i dont have access
oh wait no im at my limit
huh, well anyway here is the download link https://github.com/IrisShaders/Iris-Installer-Files/releases/latest/download/Iris-Sodium-Beta-1.20.4.zip
you gotta unzip it tho after downloading
thats fine
how much memory do you have allocated?
oh woops
18 gb
out of 32
thats probably too much, you can test around tho if you want
i was useing 18 before
and it was fine so
my games crashing so im gunna run it through a mod tester
um my tester came up with nothing
so idk why its crashing
can you send log?
oh i need to fix c2me angain
too but i dont think thats the issue
seems like you have the wrong version of dynamic fps
oh ok
oh wait no
should i reinstall then
i also tryed starting with the c2me thing fixed but it stll crashes
but seems like your using 1.20.2 version of enhanced block entitys
ill reinstall it
it crashed again
let me send you a new log
im sorry, but i have to go now, good luck anyways!
ok thats fine
thx for the help
your welcome
new problum
Iād recommend changing the title back to what it was originally so others with the same problem can find this thread.