order by dynamic colum
i have a table and i want the user to be able to order by different columns. how do i write the drizzle query to take in a string and do the ordering? Example here: https://orm.drizzle.team/learn/guides/limit-offset-pagination does ordereing as such: .orderBy(users.id).
But for my use case, I won't know until runtime.
Drizzle ORM - SQL Limit/Offset pagination
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
10 Replies
Create an object that maps string keys to table columns.
damn i was hoping there was an easier solution
i have thirteen columns
do you know if there's a way in drizzle to return the count before limit and offset?
i want to avoid having two very similar queries
is there anything wrong doing it this way?
I think that looks fine. I always forget about the sql function
do you know if there's a way in drizzle to return the count before limit and offset?
Not without doing a query to get the count
so i have a table
i want to get the count before limit
and before offset
does that mean i need to send two similar queries to the db?
only that one doesnt have the limit and offset
You'd probably have to do two queries.
Also there's this nice helper method:
this seems inefficient
wonder if there's a better way hmm