How do i deploy my nuxt app to a vps
I have an application with database, apis and everything, its not a static site, and its working fine on localhost.
I tried following the instructions at, but i didnt find much luck deploying my application.
I ran
pnpm i
then pnpm run build
and finally pnpm pm2 start
After pm2 start
it seemes to be all fine, but when i connect to my ip address on port 3004 it doesnt respond with anything
5 Replies
oh i see, will do
i have to admit im finding very difficult, i have deployed with nginx before but with nuxt things seem more complicated
does anyone have a nice nginx config file for nuxt?
Can you please explan what does
location @fallback
do?im gonna be honest i got scared and im currentlly deploying it on firebase
even though i have no idea how to deal with the database
oh right i can just use firebase's
you could also use something like Railway or, they handle the part of running your code
the free version firebase doesnt let you grrrrrrr
imma try aws
Hello, new question, i deployed successfuly to AWS
however , while it does install packages and run everything fine
it doesnt execute commands like
prisma generate
or prisma db push
which i need to run for setup
is it something i need to manage in the AWS amplify dashboard?
nvm i found it