Nuxt11mo ago
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Nuxt 2 - async middleware bugs first render of index.vue

Hello, I have an async middleware called check_session on the following path middleware/check_session.js ´´´ export default async function ({ app }) { if ( process.server && app.$cookies.get('access_token') && app.$cookies.get('refresh_token') && app.$cookies.get('expires') ) { return await app.$axios.get('/api/users/me', { headers: { Authorization: Bearer ${app.$cookies.get('access_token')} }, params: { fields: [ 'id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'avatar,avatar.', 'role.name', 'companies.companies_id.', 'last_projects_paginator', 'last_indicators_paginator' ] } }).then((response) => { if (response.data.data.role && response.data.data.role.name && !['Administrator'].includes(response.data.data.role.name)) { if (response?.data.data?.companies?.length > 0) { console.log('setting company') app.store.commit('session/signin/set_interface_company', response.data.data.companies[0].companies_id?.id) // this.commit('session/signin/set_interface_company', this.formData.company) } else { console.log('no company') } } app.store.commit('session/signin/init_session') app.store.commit('session/profile/update_me', response.data.data, { root: true }) return true }).catch((error) => { return false }) } }´´´ The problem is when I execute "yarn dev" the app doesn't start properly, it keeps in infinite loop of loading I have to comment/uncomment the middleware calling on layouts/default.vue to run properly the app, is there any chance you could help me to solve this?
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