I have run through every FAQ and tried everything i can but no matter what i do i cant see LOD's

I dont know what i am doing wrong. in 1.20.2, tried first with mods but then without any other besides DH, 0 shaders or anything else just pure vanila mc with DH and i just cand see DH chunks.
18 Replies
Puhpine12mo ago
do you see the DH icon next to the FOV slider?
hardester12mo ago
I believe their problem was their game version being in 1.20.2 and not 1.20.1 or 1.20.4, which are the supported versions of Distant Horizons with Iris native integration...
Puhpine12mo ago
they say they are not running shaders though, just DH
Stale_FeutusOP12mo ago
i do see the DH settings menu and have tried stuff in that with nothing working, its all defasult now but still nothiong, im running it all in forge in 1.20.2 but does dh not work in 1.20.2?
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
1.20.2 is supported Could you increase the CPU load in the settings menu, fly around a bit and see if anything shows up?
Stale_FeutusOP12mo ago
just tried that now, nothing still
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Could you send a screenshot of what it looks like ingame and your modlist
Stale_FeutusOP12mo ago
tried all of this in both vanila and modded but it litterly just stops rendering after my normal set in game render distance like it would without the mod installed.
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Send logs
Stale_FeutusOP12mo ago
sorry been away, how do i send the logs i will gladly
majo2412mo ago
in the .minecraft folder of your world, go into config logs folder and the copy latest.log and paste it here
Stale_FeutusOP12mo ago
i have no file there ending with .txt just .toml .cfg and .json
majo2412mo ago
oh wait, i meant logs not config folder
Stale_FeutusOP12mo ago
this is on my modded world but the exact same problem persists on my vanila world sorry about file names btw
majo2412mo ago
can't see anything wrong there, but also I may be overlooking something as im on my phone right now
MayBike12mo ago
probably from optifine, some recently reports optifine causing lods to not render you'll have to wait for devs to fix it, otherwise try embeddium/rubidium as an optifine alternative
Stale_FeutusOP12mo ago
aight ill messa round with it try fix, preciate the help

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