Railway7mo ago

clarification on monthly subscription costs needed

20 days ago I started using railway with prepaid top-up plan and did top-up of 10$ and used 5$ but railway stopped all my Services
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Dude you didn't understood for today plan I paid another 5$ The amount is not big for me But there is something which is not yet explained that where is the remaining credits...
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39 Replies
Percy7mo ago
Project ID: c65d5804-6771-4067-8ecf-76e0eeda9977
zen7mo ago
zen7mo ago
See only 5$ used
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zen7mo ago
Payment i made
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Brody7mo ago
A subscription is 5 dollars.. 5 x 2 = 10.. 10 dollars. everything checks out. Its showing zero dollars because that number only displays charges made to your card, you had credits so zero dollars was taken from your card for your subscriptions.
Adam7mo ago
I think what Brody is getting as is that the Mar 26th payment is pulling its 5$ subscription fee from your available credits. Would you mind clicking into the “View” button beside the Mar 26th invoice and sending a screenshot of the values?
Brody7mo ago
yeah both the february and march subscriptions came out of your credits, both where 5$, so there went your 10$
Adam7mo ago
And now that you’ve run out of available credits (5$ included per month), your subscription was paused
zen7mo ago
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zen7mo ago
Yesterday I added card for auto payment of future bill not like prepaid based
Brody7mo ago
the usage based subscriptions takes money automatically out of the card to pay for the service, thus you see the 5$ listed there. you where previously on the pre-paid plan.
zen7mo ago
Yeah but it's still not clear where the 5$ out of 10$ went
Brody7mo ago
it was used to pay for your subscription
zen7mo ago
Ah listen in hobby plan , they give initial 5$ discount Isn't it ?
Brody7mo ago
nope, you are thinking of the included credits, the included credits can not be used to pay for the subscription.
zen7mo ago
I started membership on 27 Feb Charged 5$ upfront from 10$ credit I used 5.5$ worth credit So i should have 4.5$ left coz 5$ discount is provided in hobby plan but in prepaid credit my balance is zero
Brody7mo ago
you loaded 10$ two billing cycles went by and you where charged 5$ for both you end up with 0$ you signed back up for the plan but this time as usage-based and where charged 5$ im honestly not sure whats unclear, theres no errors here, you weren't short changed, the math adds up.
zen7mo ago
Yeah but yesterday I started new cycle and paid separate amount , not deducted from prepaid amount
Brody7mo ago
because you had no credits remaining, as I've explained a few times
Adam7mo ago
Might be best to work this out with the team
Brody7mo ago
but there's nothing wrong ?
Adam7mo ago
please login to the Railway forums and to your thread here https://help.railway.app/questions/unfair-charges-d79b355e
Railway Help Station
clarification on monthly subscription costs needed
20 days ago I started using railway with prepaid top-up plan and did top-up of 10$ and used 5$ but railway stopped all my Services
Adam7mo ago
they’re confused and we’re not articulating the issue well. The team will be able to sort this out and resolve this
Brody7mo ago
but there's nothing to resolve, I don't think we should shove this on the team
Adam7mo ago
I disagree. How did they manage to use all of their 5$ of included credits in one day? Sure their plan was renewed with the 5$ of paid credits, but it seems as though their account was shut down because their balance hit zero disregarding the included credits the team will be able to access their account and payment records to solve this issue. Lots is getting lost in translation with the back and forth here
Brody7mo ago
How did they manage to use all of their 5$ of included credits in one day?
they didnt, dont know where you got that from.
it seems as though their account was shut down because their balance hit zero
yep thats exactly how it works on the pre-paid plan. they signd up to hobby on the pre-paid plan by loading 10$ in pre-paid credits two billing cycles went by they now have zero credits plan is demoted to trial they have now signed back up on hobby with the automatic payment plan and where charged 5$ im not seeing any issues with this timeline
Adam7mo ago
the timeline I’m understanding is this. user loads 10$ uses 5$ for 1st month of plan uses 5$ for 2!: month of plan account is reverted to trial plan after deducting credits for 2nd month this seems like a bug to me, after a second look
Brody7mo ago
user loads 10$ uses 5$ for 1st month of plan uses 5$ for 2!: month of plan account is reverted to trial plan after there is no credits left for 3rd month
Adam7mo ago
February is 1st month, march is second month. 3rd month starts april 26th the account should be active, since they used credits to pay for their subscription today. The 5$ payment is paid in advance, no?
Brody7mo ago
although the charges are made at the end of the cycle, if they dont have the credits for the next cycle the plan isnt going to continue for free. that 5$ from today is them signing back up to the hobby plan but this time on the automatic payment method, where you get 5$ charged right away
Adam7mo ago
The charges for a cycle are made at the end of the cycle? are you 100% on that I thought users were charged 5$ immediately, clearing them for the next month unless they incur more than 5$ of resource usage Meaning the 5$ feb 26 would clear them for march, 5$ mar 26 clears them until april
Brody7mo ago
yes, i know it seems odd but thats how its done, railway has also started charging select users helf way through the month for a small amount of their usage, though thats not happening here, just backing up my point
Adam7mo ago
hang on, so where did the second 5$ go then? if they were back-charged for the month of march right now, that would be 5$ they started their subscription feb 27th, meaning their first charge should be today according to your back charge logic
Brody7mo ago
I have unfortunately lost the energy to continue this thread, I'm sorry
Adam7mo ago
No worries. In that case, since the user and I are both still confused, I’m going to suggest that they raise this to the team so the team can clearly explain this to both of us refer to this @zen !t
Duchess7mo ago
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zen7mo ago
Dude you didn't understood for 2nd month plan I paid another 5$ The amount is not big for me But there is something which is not yet explained that where is the remaining credits In first billing cycle 10$ exhaust and in 2nd cycle I paid another 5$ upfront and started auto payment via card cycle
Duchess7mo ago
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When I will get response from support team
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Duchess7mo ago
New reply sent from Help Station thread:
Dude you didn't understood for today plan I paid another 5$ The amount is not big for me But there is something which is not yet explained that where is the remaining credits Railway has a base cost of $5 each month to maintain the Hobby plan. These aren't added via the credits that you have. According to your usage, it would be $2.50 each month but to maintain a healthy amount of payment method solutions, we charge a $5 base price. Hope that clarifies things for you.
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