How come state breaks infolist

<x-filament-panels::page> {{ $this->infolist }} <x-filament-panels::form wire:submit="save"> {{ $this->form }} <x-filament-panels::form.actions :actions="$this->getCachedFormActions()" :full-width="$this->hasFullWidthFormActions()" /> </x-filament-panels::form> </x-filament-panels::page> When save is clicked the following funciton runs. public function save(): void { try { $data = $this->form->getState(); // this breaks the info list. My infolist has nothing to do with $this-form. $this->handleRecordUpdate($this->record, $data); } catch (Halt $exception) { return; } $this->getSavedNotification()->send(); } How can I save it without getState triggering a reload of my infolist ?
1 Reply
Vector11mo ago
To avoid re-rendering the infolist when you call $this->form->getState() inside your save method, consider separating the state of the infolist from the Livewire component's state to prevent it from being refreshed. One way to do this is by managing the state of infolist on the client-side with JavaScript or by using Livewire’s wire:ignore directive to prevent updates to that part of the DOM. I can help you. please give me dm.

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