performance is SO bad

It is using up all 32gb of RAM despite the restriction of 24gb i set, barely gets 4fps and when i try and move the camera im lucky not for my game to crash if not my whole computer
8 Replies
Yeshi12mo ago
don't allocate 24gb. if you're running 512 chunks or less, go for 6gb at most
elotOP12mo ago
i just tried that but its still using up 30gb of ram and getting no fps im using better adventures + aswell so got sodium and indium
Yeshi12mo ago
check if this happens with no other mods if it doesn't persist, it sounds like one of your other mods is causing a memory leak
elotOP12mo ago
ok one sec now its not loading in everything its keeping previously loaded chunks in but not loading any more distant generation is on aswell and now things just dont load
majo2412mo ago
are you on multiplayer or singleplayer
elotOP12mo ago
singleplayer settings are maxed
majo2412mo ago
so you just have DH right now?
elotOP12mo ago
sodium indium iris and dh ofc at least its not using all my ram now but still really slow

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