25 Replies
also sometimes has a few chunks but they are not connected

Increase CPU load and see if it generates LODs faster
And dont use Optifine and Sodium together, best it can do is just not use one of them or it will crash
increasing cpu load doesnt work
And that message is normal, its just telling you that its an unsupported (beta) version of DH
Did u remove optifine?
launching now
and already tried without before
added it bc google said it makes mc be able to increase render distance to 64 and setting it too low may cause issues with DH
this is all it loads

Idk where you read that but quite the opposite is true
The point of DH is so you can set your vanilla render distance lower and not notice the difference basically
Most people set it around 8~10, but you can ofc set it higher if you'd like
But Id recommend not setting it too high else you're gonna get diminishing returns
Give it some more time, DH is limited by minecrafts slow world gen code
Its not instant, generating LODs takes time
it barely loads them
just loaded 6 chunks in like 2 mins
Whats the CPU load set to
And what CPU do you have
I paid for the whole cpu
AMD ryzen 5600G
Did you try setting your render distance lower?
loaded a bit more now but it still keeps really big gaps
also dont think the leaves should be like this

Using the vanilla tweaks resouce pack?

Thats weird
Try setting your overdraw prevention higher
where is it?
found it
doesnt work
Set graphics to fancy maybe?
also doesnt
Disable DH and see if that still happens
I havent seen this bug before
i mean a big part has loaded but if i compare it to the time it takes other people to load everything without gaps it takes quite long
I mean the trees
they work now
turned it off and on
Works every time
How much ram do you have allocated
No solution but it just works now