role and privillege

hello I have this Laravel / filament project where most of the work will be happening in the Laravel project and the filament part works only as a panel (dashboard) to the users I have this problem that the laravel project is only accessible when I'm logged in in filament because I added roles with certain privilege and instead of the page changing to match the type of the role it can't be accessible at all without being logged in what I'm trying to achieve is to have the Laravel project accessible even without being logged in and the main page will change depending on the type of user accessing it with certain elements and functionality either being available or not instead of having to log in in order to be able to access it
5 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch12mo ago
What a great title in the "help" channel ...
No description
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch12mo ago
I have this problem that the laravel project is only accessible
Doesn't really sound like this is a Filament issue, when this happens outside of Filament. I don't know your implementation/code, so I can't really help. How are you trying to change the pages content depending on the user? I guess you need a custom auth middleware, because the default one always redirects to the login.
dalio3274OP12mo ago
i sent a private msg check ur message
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch12mo ago
Sorry, I don't provide support via DM.
dalio3274OP12mo ago
Yes and also maybe not link the routes to the page it self but rather to the elements preforming the action

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