Generating LODs on Pre-made Maps goes to default terrain.

Good Evening, I have been hesitant to post because this seems like an FAQ kinda question, but I cant find anything about this on here. It might be that im not searching for the correct keywords or something, so if this has already been answered, my apologies in advance! Basically, I'm trying to generate chunks of my massive 2,000 square km 1:1 scale map of London. Its a massive map, so I realistically cannot fly around the whole thing and manually load the chunks. However, if i stand in one particular spot and let DH do its thing, or try pre-loading with something like chunky, I dont get the london map data instead a "default" world gets generated, with oceans and hills. Its only when i manually fly over to a particular location within my default render distance does things update, although even then for a while it becomes a mess as when i fly away some chunks revert to default while some stay city. Im basically wondering is this a bug? a core limitation? and is there a workable solution except manually flying around and loading it all in? If that is the only option, can anyone suggest any way to automate this process? Thanks for anyone who can advise in this. Regards.
52 Replies
ElectraOP12mo ago
@Moderator ?
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Dont ping the entire mod team for support
ElectraOP12mo ago
Apologies, I had seen others do the same with no issue
ModernManuh_12mo ago
I think you can try to re-generate the files from the mod (they get stored somewhere in the world folder, I don't remember where) I don't have a lot of experience with mods in general, even less with DH since I started using it yesterday
ElectraOP12mo ago
ditto, I dont want to come across as silly but ive basically not been on minecraft in years so the little experience ive had in modding has gone. DH brought me back
ElectraOP12mo ago
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ElectraOP12mo ago
this is a good example of whats happening
ModernManuh_12mo ago
does it happen without shaders?
ElectraOP12mo ago
havent tried, and, imo, im scared to try! i worry now i have manually generated so much ill loose it all
BackSun12mo ago
Changing your quality settings won't require any regeneration /lodfiles
YAGPDB.xyz12mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
ModernManuh_12mo ago
I think they meant turning shaders off
ElectraOP12mo ago
I can fly to a place to generate it, but the default terrain often pops back in if i fly back out
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ElectraOP12mo ago
and distant terrain is coninually generating as default
BackSun12mo ago
Turning shaders off also won't require regenerating anything. Although it might cause visual bugs
ElectraOP12mo ago
would it solve this issue im having though? to my mind it seems like DH is generating terrain based on the original world seed, then whern i manually update it to what its meant to be it realises and keeps that instead
BackSun12mo ago
The issue with gaps is well known and will be fixed in the next nightly build. For now you just have to place blocks in the affected LODs to force a rebuild.
ElectraOP12mo ago
so will this fix my distant generating as default?
BackSun12mo ago
If the distance generation is generating as default I have no idea what the problem is. Try optimizing your world in MC's singleplayer menu
ElectraOP12mo ago
right i see. its certainly a strange bug as like i say if i manauly fly to a place it has all of my custom map data there, i dont know if DH cant read that first time around perhaps?
ModernManuh_12mo ago
Could it be RAM?
ElectraOP12mo ago
ive given my install 16gb alloc i have 32gb total would have thought that be sufficent
BackSun12mo ago
RAM would cause stuttering or crashes, not incorrect data generation
ModernManuh_12mo ago
I said something stupid, lod chunks are on disk... I see you are using a minimap mod, is it the only one installed with DH? (other than sodium, indium and iris I mean)
ElectraOP12mo ago
not sure what you would recommend in terms of optimisation, ive manually generated an absolute ton (10,000 blocks in several directions) and im still getting a stable 30FPS. Just wanna say hats off to you, when ive manaully loaded it all in, it really works so i do want to say massive thank you
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ModernManuh_12mo ago
that's the point of the mod
ElectraOP12mo ago
yeah i think so im aware. still doesnt make it any less cool to experience!
BackSun12mo ago
The quality presets are a good place to start. I'm glad its working well for you 👍
ElectraOP12mo ago
its just the distant default rendering thats being a bit of a pain, everything else is working great, especially for a beta. Ill keep tinkering, but if i cant find a fix when optimizing, should i submit a bug report?
BackSun12mo ago
If you can reproduce the issue, yes
ElectraOP12mo ago
i have just had a thought, that i think could possibly be causing this... This map was originally made for an older version of minecraft, (Pre1.18) and brought forward... Could there be something between the old and new terrain gen systems thats bugging it out?
ModernManuh_12mo ago
Would chunks still be loaded after leaving and entering the world again? In this case I think a copy can be made just for testing without losing progress
ElectraOP12mo ago
yeah stuff ive manually loaded stays put thankfully, had a couple of times where ive had to restart the client im hesitant to make too many backups however because of the sheer size of the map
BackSun12mo ago
Extremely likely. Optimizing your world (in the single player tab) should fix that problem
ElectraOP12mo ago
my hard drives are nealy full.
ModernManuh_12mo ago
James knows better anyways, so try his solution on a copy no need to make infinite copies if your disk is full to the brim maybe try backing it up on google drive
ElectraOP12mo ago
okay, ive created a backup. I'm sorry i sound like a noob here but im not sure what exactly i should change to optimise things? currently things are balanced
BackSun12mo ago
If you want improved FPS, drop the quality preset. If you want fewer stutters drop the CPU preset. If you want faster world/LOD loading, increase the CPU preset.
ElectraOP12mo ago
Thank you. Ive tried adjusting all these and im still getting the distant chunk glitch as described above
ModernManuh_12mo ago
Did you try deleting the LOD file for your backup world? /lodfiles
YAGPDB.xyz12mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Chell Sky
Chell Sky12mo ago
I think in this case they mean doing to "edit" tab in world selector and there is an "optimize world" button there. im getting the same issue as u im trying it right now i'll report back with results
ElectraOP12mo ago
good to know its not just a me thing
Chell Sky
Chell Sky12mo ago
ye doing the optimization seemed to help
ElectraOP12mo ago
so you arent getting this issue anymore?
Chell Sky
Chell Sky12mo ago
ye the new LODs seem to be correct now
ElectraOP12mo ago
ill try it again myself later
Chell Sky
Chell Sky12mo ago
you'll probs need to delete the old LODs 😔
ElectraOP12mo ago
so everything ive generated thus far?
Chell Sky
Chell Sky12mo ago
i would assume once the LODs get messed up they are messed up but u can try not deleting them first
ElectraOP12mo ago
surely not as like i mentioned when i fly over an manually loading them they update
Chell Sky
Chell Sky12mo ago
i guess that works too hopefully with the "optimization" done new new ones generated will be correct

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