Railwayβ€’6mo ago

Memory usage on hobby deploy

Hello I'm just new to railway on the hobby plan, I'm a little bit confused in relation to the memory usage, you get 8gb ram on the hobby plan, however my nextjs app seems to be using only around 400mb, but I'm not sure if it is taking into account on the deployment those 8gb available, or if it is only taking into account the 500mb on the trial, because I went from trial to hobby, so idk if there's anything i have to configure related to this. I'd appreciate any help!
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9 Replies
Percyβ€’6mo ago
Project ID: d3baa03c-db75-49f3-9e1a-bf5ce2f999b6
ivano.cs89β€’6mo ago
Brodyβ€’6mo ago
I'm not sure why you'd want your app to use 8gb of memory, that would cost 80$
ivano.cs89β€’6mo ago
Well it's not really that I'm interested in it to use the 8gb of memory, I am just not sure if the project is taking into account all the memory available or if there's any setting related to this that I need to tweak.
Brodyβ€’6mo ago
gotcha, the graph auto scales it says there (Max: 8 GB)
ivano.cs89β€’6mo ago
Thanks Brody that clears up my doubt! πŸ™‚ also this is not exactly related to the thread but do you know if image catching works correctly on railway? I am well aware it probably has nothing to do with railway but with my nextjs app, but my images don't seem to be being cached when I use the app from other devices cause it takes some time to load them. 😢 Yeah also kinda new to nextjs hehe. I am using cloudinary for serving the images
Brodyβ€’6mo ago
yeah nothing to do with railway there, railway doesn't cache your images for you like vercel might, on railway your code is ran as-is
ivano.cs89β€’6mo ago
Ooooo interesting, yeah I'll have a look on that then, thanks! πŸ™‚
Brodyβ€’6mo ago
no problem!
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