Distant Horizons won't let me join my own server

For some reason trying to install the mod on my own client makes the server show this. If I remove the mod it lets me join the server. I don't know what I did wrong. I know that the mod can't be put in the server because of the factor it will crash it. Tried fiinding answers online but nothing came up. So now I'm here. If anyone can help me that would be greatly apricated.
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10 Replies
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Thats probably something that you have to report to that mod compatibiliy checker mod
.Survival3OP12mo ago
Do you know where I would find that mod
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Old legends tell of a magic tool called google.com
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Better Compatibility Checker
Changes the default server compatability check to compare modpack versions 30.3M Downloads | Mods
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
I think its that one
.Survival3OP12mo ago
the magical tool that you used did show this mod but I wasn't sure it was the correct one.
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Google will give you better results than a random guy on discord
.Survival3OP12mo ago
I believe this wouldn't work as well since this mod seems to work on pre made modpacks But thank you for your help
MarijnIsN00B12mo ago
Its probably the same one you're using The CF page probably just only has screenshots of it configured differently
Avis12mo ago
I always get that red X just ignore it

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