Mail problem rendering view with data with two arrays

Hello. I have a row action which lets users send email with attached Pdf with some info about the record. Everything works fine. Now I want the user can change subject and body of the email and I have included a form and user can type.
->label('Email al que enviar:')
->label('Email al que enviar:')
And it works fine till then. I launch the mail with the data:
->action(function (array $data,Expediente $record) {
$receivers = $data['email'];
$expediente = Expediente::find($record->id);
->send(new ExpedienteCarpetaEmail ($expediente, $data));

And I can check inside the __construct of the mail controller that data arrives correctly:
public $expediente;
public $data;
public function __construct(Expediente $expediente, $data)
// dd($data);
if (!$data['asunto']) {
$this->subject('Información del expediente ' . $expediente->numExp);
} else {
$this->expediente = $expediente;
Pdf::view('expedientes.carpetaA4', ['expediente' => $expediente])
->save('carpeta-'. $expediente->numExp .'.pdf');
// $this->content('', $data = $data);
$this->content(fn () => view('', ['expediente' => $expediente, 'data' => $data]));
$this->attach('carpeta-'. $expediente->numExp .'.pdf');

And inside the final view ( of the final step it thows an error of:
Undefined variable $data (View: ...
->action(function (array $data,Expediente $record) {
$receivers = $data['email'];
$expediente = Expediente::find($record->id);
->send(new ExpedienteCarpetaEmail ($expediente, $data));

And I can check inside the __construct of the mail controller that data arrives correctly:
public $expediente;
public $data;
public function __construct(Expediente $expediente, $data)
// dd($data);
if (!$data['asunto']) {
$this->subject('Información del expediente ' . $expediente->numExp);
} else {
$this->expediente = $expediente;
Pdf::view('expedientes.carpetaA4', ['expediente' => $expediente])
->save('carpeta-'. $expediente->numExp .'.pdf');
// $this->content('', $data = $data);
$this->content(fn () => view('', ['expediente' => $expediente, 'data' => $data]));
$this->attach('carpeta-'. $expediente->numExp .'.pdf');

And inside the final view ( of the final step it thows an error of:
Undefined variable $data (View: ...
The view can manage $expediente->whateverfield correctly but $data is undefined. Any ideas, please?
I solved it!!! Looking at the official info from Laravel: ...
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1 Reply
Albert Lens
Albert Lens12mo ago
I solved it!!! Looking at the official info from Laravel: I don't have to pass the data in the ->content(...) It has to be added to the content function itself:
public function content(): Content
return new Content(
view: '',
with: ['data' => $this->data],
public function content(): Content
return new Content(
view: '',
with: ['data' => $this->data],
The with: is the solution to add extra data apart from the Expediente resource data.
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Laravel is a PHP web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

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