Tailwind CSS not applied on custom pages

I'd like to styling my custom pages created using "php artisan make:filament-pages" with tailwind css, but apparently the styling is not compiled and not refreshing itself when i changed the pages code. here is my custom page code: <x-filament-panels::page> @livewire('form.form-generator', ['id_form' => 1]) <div class="font-bold text-blue-600"> Hallo there </div> </x-filament-panels::page> the "Hallo there" text should be rendered with blue color, but nothing change on the page. did I miss something on the tailwind config or vite? here is my vite config: import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import laravel, { refreshPaths } from 'laravel-vite-plugin' export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ laravel({ input: ['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'], refresh: [ ...refreshPaths, 'app/Livewire/', ], }), ], }) and the tailwind config: content: [ './app/Filament//.php', './resources/views/**/.blade.php', './resources/views/filament//*.blade.php', './vendor/filament//*.blade.php', ],
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