Access my home device from outside the LAN network with me maui app
Hello! Maybe this isn't the right server for my question, but I am building a mobile and desktop app using C# .NET maui. It is for reading data from my Easy E4, it's a small PLC that I use at home. I want to read and write data to it from outside of my LAN network, without port forwarding.
I think reverse proxy isn't an option, right? Because you need a proxy server in the LAN network, right?
For extra info I am using Modbus TCP to read and write data from my app
23 Replies
reverse proxy is absolutely an option. Look at something like ngrok
Is there any other alternatives? Or do you think reverse proxy would be the way to go?
its the only way to get outside traffick into your device without port forwarding that I can think of
I recommend Cloudflare Tunnel
But NGrok is also good
Thank you both! I will look into both. I have to setup a reverse proxy server on my client side then, right?
i second CF tunnels, their free tier is also much more genours than ngrok
and if you have a domain with cf you dont need to use ephemeral urls
Yeah, a tunnel + a cheap domain (also on CF) turn out much cheaper than NGrok
domain doesnt have to be purchased at CF you can let your provider point to CF, but yeah i agree cf domains have great value
Can't beat no-markup pricing lol
yeah i just wanted to point out that i works with other domain provider. Also for tlds CF dont offer
Maybe dumb question but what is CF?
That was a really stuipid question
naa your fine
I guess something like that isn't possible without a reverse proxy server? Because I can't install that on my client device, so I would need an extra device for that.
basically, you either need to allow things to connect directly to your server or have your server reach out and connect to another server that can do that and forward the connection
is there a particular reason you can't just foward a port?
This device will be in someone else's LAN network and I don't want to get into their router
For now it could work with port forwarding because I am testing in my own netwerk. But for the future I want it to work in other networks without a lot of work.
But for example I have a small cheap IP camera that I can view on my phone using the app from anywhere in the world.
Or a power meter app, solar panel app etc
How do these companies do that? Is that also reverse proxy or would that be working different? You have to setup those devices once and then they keep working.
reverse proxy, or dial home
in the case of the power meter, you likely dont talk to the actual device itself but rather a central server that the power meter sends data to, aka dial home
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at least in the US i think power meters specifically are on a mesh network and just report data to the power company through that
We have P1-meters, you can plug them into your smart meter and they are connected to an app (Homewizard) for example
I will look into that! Seeing what they explain on their site and git seems hopefull