How to set timestamp for `created_at` in Drizzle on SQLite?

Stack Overflow
How to have an automatic timestamp in SQLite?
I have an SQLite database, version 3 and I am using C# to create an application that uses this database. I want to use a timestamp field in a table for concurrency, but I notice that when I insert ...
1 Reply
Startup Spells 🪄 Newsletter Guy
Alright, thought of using Sourcegraph with drizzle-orm/sqlite-core AND createdAt query -> Found the solution:
createdAt: integer("created_at", { mode: "timestamp" }).default(
sql`(strftime('%s', 'now'))`
createdAt: integer("created_at", { mode: "timestamp" }).default(
sql`(strftime('%s', 'now'))`
drizzle-orm/sqlite-core … - Sourcegraph
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