Examples for Error Handling?

I am looking through docs on how to handle DB errors, but not finding a list of error codes. For example, UNIQUE or NOT NULL constraints to check for. Or is this something I need to look at Postgres.js docs for? Pseudocode below using Sqlite, but want to know for Postgres.js
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SqliteError && e.code === "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE") {
return setError(form, 'email', "E-mail already used")
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SqliteError && e.code === "SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE") {
return setError(form, 'email', "E-mail already used")
1 Reply
kal8mo ago
Did you figure this out in the end

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