DH Lod dosn't render after respawn

When I open the world lod show up properly but after I died and respawning LOD is gone only vanila chunk I can see
6 Replies
EVA12mo ago
that happened to me once, when i reloaded the world it was back to normal
HarusarriOP12mo ago
yeah when restart the world it render correctly again but still happening when respawn
HarusarriOP12mo ago
It seems to be related to this log
No description
HarusarriOP12mo ago
Fixed, my lod savefile corrupted somewhile backuping the save folder, I remove the lod sql and regenerated
Yeshi12mo ago
alternatively if you respawn many times in a short timespan or travel thousands of blocks quickly, the queue might get stuck loading old garbage data. if that happens, rejoining the world will clear the queue and stuff should load in shortly after
HarusarriOP12mo ago
Yeah also this happened before But also it goes properly after few hours

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