The best (?) way to learn Webflow

Hi there! Can you share the resources that you used to learn Webflow? I know Webflow University (I'm in a middle of it) and Flux Academy but that's it, these are just resources but how to go from there? For example, I found roadmap created by @Web Bae (thank you for this!!!) but I am curious if any of you actually went through it step-by-step and could share thoughts on this? Maybe I should just shut up 😄 and follow this myself instead of overanalyzing and overthinking. Thanks in advance for all replies.
11 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
*Webflow Wednesday For me - raising the stakes with real client work played a big part in leveling up. Be careful not to overreach though! I had to work through a Hawaii vacation because I took a little bit too much work. Upwork a great place for that. Or if you can get some agency work. @AtomicZBRA @lovebrian649 what do you guys think?
Tomek Grabski
Tomek GrabskiOP12mo ago
Yeah, doing some agency work came to my mind a few times so I could focus on delivering a project, and up my skills fast. I am glad that you reminded me this idea, thanks! Anyway, I would love to hear more opinions. Sorry for this! Yeah, you never know when the clients are gonna show up, I never had to work through vacation buuut after few silent weeks, next ones were hard (when I was using, ugh, Wordpress)
AtomicZBRA12mo ago
I fall into this trap all the time, where I spend more time planning my actual route to learn something perfectly, than I do actually going through the course material! I’ve started noticing this trend even on YouTube or social media where I’ll see so many great resources, I’ll save them all, and then literally never open them again. If you have a resource that you’re enjoying and learning from, focus on the one resource wholeheartedly. When you’re finished that resource (Webflow university for example), don’t look for more complete courses unless you find yourself failing to grasp the core concepts. Instead look at ways to put into practice what you learned (client work), and learn about things that will help fill in your knowledge gaps instead (webbae YouTube and Patreon tutorials 😍)
Tomek Grabski
Tomek GrabskiOP12mo ago
ps sounds like a good name for a local meetup! 😄 I could write the first paragraph about myself!!! 100% me. The third paragraph is a really great advice! I didn't have the same problem with Wordpress and Elementor. Never tried any course related to this, only checked internet if I coulnd't do something. I wonder why is that? I am scared or something? 🤯
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
agree - at risk of poopoo-ing my own content, you won't learn by watching videos (but you already knew that). That's why I try to make my stuff super project focused and/or short + solves a very specific problem. it can def help to surround yourself with relevant content when you aren't actively working too though.
lovebrian64912mo ago
Yes real client work 100%...because you can't control what gets thrown at you regarding design or functionality. For example, they may want something that you are not sure how to build in webflow and along the way you discover little "bugs" or nuanced stuff in webflow you didnt know existed Haha, I had a similar story to yours. I found my first client through a group chat similar to Discord. This was in 2019, and I had just started doing Webflow, so I knew no one in the industry. I replied to someone needing help because his staff was overbooked, and when I saw the Figma file he sent, it was for a company/brand that I had no business doing work for at that stage in my career. I told myself, "You jumped in the deep you better swim." It ended up actually being the best thing for me, even though it was a nervous couple of weeks. I wish there wasnt an NDA because it was def a Oh s***t moment lol haha I was so new...i said they can pay me at the end of the project
Tomek Grabski
Tomek GrabskiOP12mo ago
Thanks a lot guys! I swear I will follow your advice. One more question - would you niche down from a start or not (and why)? As Alex Hormozi says, "riches are in the niches"... or aren't they? I always thought that niching should be industry-related like "websites for medical companies" or something but there are more options out there. Webflow itself is a niche for some
lovebrian64912mo ago
good advice but I didnt niche I wish I can claim this as my own quote but I've heard from a couple Webflow devolopers including the man who taught me Webflow back in 2018 but basically it was to be the Toyota or Kia of Web design. I'm going to build you something that will be extremely user friendly, practical, and easy to maintain You can niche down the line, but why limit yourself from the start
AtomicZBRA12mo ago
Agree with that 100% ^ don’t niche to start, you’re just limiting your potential clients! Also the idea of money from niches comes from when you can demonstrate a commensurate amount of knowledge related to that niche. So like if I’m niching down to medical companies because I’ve already done 50 of them, now I can charge more because I know what 50 of your competitors are doing and how to help you stand out. This also might mean you might not necessarily charge more for a niched product, but you can finish it faster because of the experience you already have >>> increasing your overall revenue. I think it’s easy to get caught in the idea that niching down will automatically lead to more money because the market is narrower but it’s really just becoming an expert in that field which yields the best value
Tomek Grabski
Tomek GrabskiOP12mo ago
I guess I am master procrastinator haha 🙂 Well, from start niching down didn't seem right to me - I am much closer to focusing on landing pages built on Webflow and that's it Really great advice, priceless, thank you all! I hope and sure at the same time that the others will find this useful too My nearest goal is to become a Webflow expert and to be included on the website, just 20+ people from Poland right now it might not bring me clients but it's a way to prove my skills - even if just for myself 🙂

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