Filamentβ€’12mo ago

Only one primary row when toggled in table

I'm looking to add a toggle or radio to a table (not in panel) that allows only one value to be selected. If another value is toggled, that one becomes primary and the other ones are deselected. I'm pretty sure I've seen it somewhere but now I cannot find it πŸ˜•
3 Replies
LeandroFerreiraβ€’12mo ago
You could use an Observer https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/eloquent#observers
public function updated(YorModel $model): void
if ($model->wasChanged('field')) {
YorModel::where('id', '!=', $model->id)
->update(['field' => false]);
public function updated(YorModel $model): void
if ($model->wasChanged('field')) {
YorModel::where('id', '!=', $model->id)
->update(['field' => false]);
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GavTheDevOPβ€’12mo ago
Thanks, that is an option indeed. But in this case I'm specically looking for that option that I know I have seen somewhere. Perhaps it was a plugin?
awcodesβ€’12mo ago
I think an observer is the proper place to do this.

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