Multi tenant navigation panel?
Is it possible to have different navigation items based on the team selected? For example I want to have the "Administration" section, in a "Content" team, and everything else in "Admin". How do you properly approach this?
For reference I am using this starter kit:
GitHub - LingMyat/Filament-Starter-Kit: Starter Kit with Multi-Tena...
Starter Kit with Multi-Tenant, Role, Permission, Exception - GitHub - LingMyat/Filament-Starter-Kit: Starter Kit with Multi-Tenant, Role, Permission, Exception
5 Replies
use the standard policies, you can then condition if tenant == 'admin' then true.
Is there a documentation page or something you could point me to? Not sure what standard policies are, as I'm rather new to this stack
It's basic laravel 101
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Filament harnesses polices by default if they are implemented.