cache reserve

Hi, I'm a little confused about Cache Reserve. Is this similar to bunnycdn (which I believe is a "pull cdn")? I want to maximize my wordpress website's loading time and wondering if cache reserve will help a lot. I have many large videos playing in the background automatically. Thanks.
7 Replies
Erisa12mo ago
When comparing to bunnycdn its most comparable to their "permacache" offering The idea being that Cache Reserve will store assets potentially forever (as long as theyre accessed once every 30 days) and will dramatically reduce the load on your origin server by serving those assets from Cloudflares storage platform as much as possible
Erisa12mo ago
Cloudflare Docs
Cache Reserve · Cloudflare Cache (CDN) docs
Cache Reserve is a large, persistent data store implemented on top of R2 . By pushing a single button in the dashboard, your website’s cacheable …
*OP12mo ago
Okay I see So do you think this would speed up my wordpress website's load time significantly? Previously, I was just using bunnycdn (I didn't have permacache) With cloudflare cache reserve is there a special URL I can create (like where the cached stuff will be stored and fetched from? Or something else? A bit new to this, sorry
Erisa12mo ago
Its automatically handled as part of the cache layer, you just turn it on and set a cache rule with an appropriate edge ttl then it works automatically Whether it would improve performance depends a lot on what's slowing down performance at the moment, if the server is the bottleneck for performance then yes it would help a bunch
*OP12mo ago
I just have a bunch of pretty big videos that play automatically as background videos of my website I'm thinking it'd be faster if it was fetched directly from cloudflare without constantly going to my origin server to get it Does that make sense or am I being dumb
.Zero12mo ago
makes sense
*OP12mo ago
So would cache reserve probably be worth it in my case?

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