db.select().from(multiple tables)

Hello, I want to do this SQL query:
select total.total_sales, ts.tickets_per_second
SELECT count(*) AS total_sales
FROM public.tickets
) as total,
SELECT count(*) AS tickets_per_second
FROM public.tickets
WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' and created_at < now()
) as ts
select total.total_sales, ts.tickets_per_second
SELECT count(*) AS total_sales
FROM public.tickets
) as total,
SELECT count(*) AS tickets_per_second
FROM public.tickets
WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' and created_at < now()
) as ts
the same as:
WITH sales_counts AS (
(SELECT count(*) FROM public.tickets) AS total_sales,
(SELECT count(*) FROM public.tickets WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' AND created_at < now()) AS tickets_per_second
SELECT total_sales, tickets_per_second
FROM sales_counts;
WITH sales_counts AS (
(SELECT count(*) FROM public.tickets) AS total_sales,
(SELECT count(*) FROM public.tickets WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' AND created_at < now()) AS tickets_per_second
SELECT total_sales, tickets_per_second
FROM sales_counts;
the same as:
(SELECT count(*) FROM tickets) as total_sales,
(SELECT count(*) FROM public.tickets WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' AND created_at < now()) AS tickets_per_second
(SELECT count(*) FROM tickets) as total_sales,
(SELECT count(*) FROM public.tickets WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' AND created_at < now()) AS tickets_per_second
In drizzle, so far I managed to do it this way:
totalSales: sql<string>`total.total_sales`,
ticketsPerSecond: sql<string>`ts.tickets_per_second`,
SELECT count(*) AS total_sales
FROM public.tickets
) as total,
SELECT count(*) AS tickets_per_second
FROM public.tickets
WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' and created_at < now()
) as ts`),
totalSales: sql<string>`total.total_sales`,
ticketsPerSecond: sql<string>`ts.tickets_per_second`,
SELECT count(*) AS total_sales
FROM public.tickets
) as total,
SELECT count(*) AS tickets_per_second
FROM public.tickets
WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 second' and created_at < now()
) as ts`),
but I am not proud of it, is there a better way? thanks in advance
1 Reply
petsagouris12mo ago
Drizzle ORM - Select
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.

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